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Will eating meat become illegal?

How long until eating meat is outlawed?

  • Within 20 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 20-50 years

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 50-100 years

    Votes: 8 6.5%
  • More than 100 years

    Votes: 18 14.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 89 72.4%

  • Total voters
"If you haven't done it, you don't get to criticize it" is a terrible mindset. People should absolutely have context on how and why things are actually done in the meat production industry, but those raising beef, pork, and poultry absolutely need input from people outside their world as well.

There's a ton of anthropopathizing that goes on from those raising major issues with the current landscape of meat production, but there are also lots of valid points as well.

Sure, 24 sqft might be worse than 20sqft because the sow will crush the piglets, but I don't think its an invalid criticism to say that confining an animal to a pen so small that it can't move around is a reality we ought to also avoid. Thats going to mean profit margins get thinner and costs increase, but I also don't think its a terrible reality for meat to be more expensive.

We fail to realize that the amount of meat that the typical American consumes is massively out of proportion with historic humanity. Much of that has to do with refrigeration but a lot also has to do with the unfeeling efficiencies of the free market.

The retort then becomes "but you'll destroy livelihoods" and that is a fair response. The cruel capitalist response is "too bad, keep up or get left behind." Theres a lot of weighing good against bad that has to happen. Farm welfare will certainly have to be a major incentivising factor to achieve a better system than what we have now.

I'd be curious what percentage of the meals you or your family consume are actually meat-free. An interesting thing to then think about is how many of those meals with meat could remove the meat and be just fine. I know for us, theres usually one or two weeknight meals each week that don't have any meat in them, not because I'm a bad hunter, just because its often unnecessary. The meals that I do use meat, its the star of the meal.

I guess to answer the original question, I dont think we will get to a point where meat is actually outlawed. Priced out of the way that it is used now? 5-10 years.
I'd be curious what percentage of the meals you or your family consume are actually meat-free. An interesting thing to then think about is how many of those meals with meat could remove the meat and be just fine. I know for us, theres usually one or two weeknight meals each week that don't have any meat in them, not because I'm a bad hunter, just because its often unnecessary. The meals that I do use meat, its the star of the meal.

My girlfriends 2020 new years resolution was to go all year participating in meatless Monday. We made it all year. The first two months were hard, but we figured some good things out.

I think it's interesting that this conversation has come up now. With the fallout of the Easterday Ranch I've read heavy criticisms of the meat packing industry/ Tysons practices. There are ranchers out there that will tel you that they've already been choked out by limitations put on them by the packing house. The cost of meat has jumped in the last few years, and if they're already operating at bottom line I'd argue that we need to trim the fat in the middle. Consumer cost is up, producer price has remained flat, the disconnect must be in the middle.
Great Ted Talk that is worth watching. Do I think meat will become illegal? Hell no.

Once a week me and my girlfriend will do a meatless dinner. So far it hasn't been to bad. I have tried a protein powder that is made from crickets, it was ok. Maybe some better flavors is needed but I've had worse cough mtn ops cough
My son raises cows and pigs. The market is really strong for farm fed beef and pork. He could sell them as fast as he finishes them. Problem is there aren’t enough local processors.

I could see where factory farms might be made illegal at some point but I don’t think we will ever stop eating meat.
Once a week me and my girlfriend will do a meatless dinner. So far it hasn't been to bad. I have tried a protein powder that is made from crickets, it was ok. Maybe some better flavors is needed but I've had worse cough mtn ops cough
Good for you guys. Not a bad thing. But this is exactly what I was commenting earlier. Slowly we will make this our new norm. To each there own, but how long till it’s 2,3,4 nights a week. The new “norm” is coming. Haha. Not saying it’s bad, just saying it’s coming.

Liver King’s take on beyond burger.