Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Nope nothing was ever guaranteed with points. You got exactly what you paid for. A point. It was and still is your choice to buy a point. That is the only thing a point system is designed to do, give you a point. Not our fault you chose to buy a point...
Let me translate this for you BrentD "you got screwed and you will like it, now shut up and buy another point nonresident scum". Just joking...only a little though
I can't stand the outfitter set aside deal because it seems like such a Montana thing to do. Disappointing to see that in Wyoming.

That said they gotta do what they gotta do to please the outfitter lobby I guess. It shows how much outfitters don't respect resident hunters though, that they would hold their allocation proposal hostage unless they get their cut of the tags.

All that being said I'm not too worried and will still be planning Wyoming hunts. Any NR that wants to throw their sucker down over the allocation change, by all means feel free to do so and help my draw odds!
Moose sucker was thrown down in 2018, sheep sucker soon and others to follow. Let us know when you draw your Wy tags.
Let me translate this for you BrentD "you got screwed and you will like it, now shut up and buy another point nonresident scum". Just joking...only a little though
To a certain extent, but every single point scheme is just that a scheme. Truthfully, I would much rather all of us go back to random get rid of all points and just play the odds. The only thing buying a point gets you is a point. I am not sure that any system ever said that buying points will get you anything else??? I do not recall ever seeing a system say you are going to get a tag?
To a certain extent, but every single point scheme is just that a scheme. Truthfully, I would much rather all of us go back to random get rid of all points and just play the odds. The only thing buying a point gets you is a point. I am not sure that any system ever said that buying points will get you anything else??? I do not recall ever seeing a system say you are going to get a tag?
Yep I agree. Your definitely correct. In a perfect world these point schemes when set up would execute perfectly and nothing would ever need to be changed but unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. I do however sympathize a little with the folks that made decisions to participate or not participate and had multi-decades of points bought than the system changed. It sucks but the world isn't fair and it goes how it goes. I fully support residents deciding tag allocations for their states and nonresidents have to accept those decisions. In the end you have to be lucky to draw a tag and point schemes just like luck cut both ways. Some of us are lucky and some of us never will be lucky. thats life
Randy, because the wilderness guide law is in statute, I can't imagine what small group of legislators would sponsor the change, except if it came as a Task Force recommendation. While I don't agree with the law, the amount of political capital that could be expended to even get a bill would be enormous. Obviously the outfitter lobby would be against it. It would take a good deal of resident support and we all know how tough that is to get.
What I would like to see is a resident being able to get the number of people they can take each year move from 2 to 4. That's ridiculous as what if you have more than 2 non resident friends/ family draw and want to hunt wilderness without a guide?
What I would like to see is a resident being able to get the number of people they can take each year move from 2 to 4. That's ridiculous as what if you have more than 2 non resident friends/ family draw and want to hunt wilderness without a guide?
Let's just do away with the wilderness guide rule, all together. A NR shouldn't have to suck up or hold hands with a resident to hunt public lands.
Let's just do away with the wilderness guide rule, all together. A NR shouldn't have to suck up or hold hands with a resident to hunt public lands.
This is well covered on the previous page and in pile of other threads. See JM below:

Randy, because the wilderness guide law is in statute, I can't imagine what small group of legislators would sponsor the change, except if it came as a Task Force recommendation. While I don't agree with the law, the amount of political capital that could be expended to even get a bill would be enormous. Obviously the outfitter lobby would be against it. It would take a good deal of resident support and we all know how tough that is to get.

Getting rid of the NR wilderness guide rule would be great, then the UT guys I see hunting wilderness wouldn’t have to pretend there is a resident with them “just over that hill” when we chat.
This is well covered on the previous page and in pile of other threads. See JM below:

Getting rid of the NR wilderness guide rule would be great, then the UT guys I see hunting wilderness wouldn’t have to pretend there is a resident with them “just over that hill” when we chat.
If the people of Wyoming want this rule changed, it could happen. Unfortunately, it appears the wilderness guide rule is more about Resident hunter welfare than outfitter welfare.
Comments like that sure make me want to change the law for sniveling nrs like you....
Sometimes the truth is painful.

Have you ever entertained the idea for pursuing this change? Surely a big wheel like yourself, could get things rolling.
Sometimes the truth is painful.

Have you ever entertained the idea for pursuing this change? Surely a big wheel like yourself, could get things rolling.
What is the incentive for changing it? Sure, even as a resident I think it's a BS law, but I'm not going to fight to change it. Although if it came down to having either the wilderness law or transferable landowner tags/designated outfitter tags, I would much rather have the wilderness law.
Sometimes the truth is painful.

Have you ever entertained the idea for pursuing this change? Surely a big wheel like yourself, could get things rolling.

What is the incentive for changing it? Sure, even as a resident I think it's a BS law, but I'm not going to fight to change it. Although if it came down to having either the wilderness law or transferable landowner tags/designated outfitter tags, I would much rather have the wilderness law.
No incentive at all, most residents can't afford the stock to get back into the prime areas of wilderness anyhow and the prime areas have been taken for many years by big outfitter camps full of fat cat non-resident hunters. However, it might suck quite a few rookie non-residents off the non-wilderness areas into wasting their time and tags trying to get back to where the grizzlies run amuck!
Sometimes the truth is painful.

Have you ever entertained the idea for pursuing this change? Surely a big wheel like yourself, could get things rolling.
Yes, I've entertained the idea and I agree it's a bad law. But, as jm77 pointed out, it's an issue that would require burning a lot of political capital to get it reversed.

There are many other issues in Wyoming that need attention that matter a lot more than this one.

Plus, like I stated with attitudes like yours on full display I'm much less inclined to do anything about it.

Finally, my nr friends and family have free access to wilderness. You could do the same, but judging by your posts I doubt you have many friends.
Comments like that sure make me want to change the law for sniveling nrs like you....
What if resident and DIY non resident hunters both flooded the phones and email boxes of WY politicians to oppose outfitters set asides? And we refrained from using intentionally insulting terms like “hunter welfare” and “sniveling”. Then maybe WY resident hunters might consider a relook at the wilderness rule, but even if not we would still be in a better spot for DIY hunters in general.
What if resident and DIY non resident hunters both flooded the phones and email boxes of WY politicians to oppose outfitters set asides? And we refrained from using intentionally insulting terms like “hunter welfare” and “sniveling”. Then maybe WY resident hunters might consider a relook at the wilderness rule, but even if not we would still be in a better spot for DIY hunters in general.
There's a big difference between changing or getting rid of existing statute and stopping crap legislation from being passed in the legislature.

What are you, as a nr hunter in Wyoming, willing to give up to be able to hunt big and trophy game here without a guide?

The reason I ask is because I'm not going to ask resident hunters to give up anything so you can.
I think I'm gonna send Hicks an email.

Raise the reduced price NR Deer/Antelope to 75% of full price and move type 6/7 reduced NR cow/calf to full price type 4/5 and use -1 and -2 restrictions.
Pricing reduced licenses like vermin that needs elimination needs to come to an end.
I totally agree the reduced priced tags need to increase in price significantly. The demand is high enough to support it. It's ridiculous that a nr doe pronghorn license costs less than a nr turkey license.

Wyoming is practically giving away antlerless licenses.

I also agree on the change in elk tags from type 6/7 to full priced type 4/5, in particular in areas that have high demand for type 6/7.
I totally agree the reduced priced tags need to increase in price significantly. The demand is high enough to support it. It's ridiculous that a nr doe pronghorn license costs less than a nr turkey license.

Wyoming is practically giving away antlerless licenses.

I also agree on the change in elk tags from type 6/7 to full priced type 4/5, in particular in areas that have high demand for type 6/7.
I bought a couple doe tags last year that ended up in the garbage can. In retrospect I felt bad enough filling my antelope buck tag.
There's a big difference between changing or getting rid of existing statute and stopping crap legislation from being passed in the legislature.

What are you, as a nr hunter in Wyoming, willing to give up to be able to hunt big and trophy game here without a guide?

The reason I ask is because I'm not going to ask resident hunters to give up anything so you can.
Completely understand the significant difference between changing an existing law and stopping proposed legislation. Maybe changing the wilderness rule is a bridge too far….

I am a bit confused by your second question. How would resident hunters be giving up anything by opposing outfitter set asides and transferable landowner tags? NR hunters are giving up something with a transition to 90/10 (not that we had to be willing, clearly a resident decision) What are you asking resident hunters to give up by increasing their tag allocation to 90/10?

I was operating under the assumption that
the focus of this forum is advocating for DIY western hunting and most folks oppose state regulations that force hunters to use guides/outfitters, resident or non-resident. And within that advocacy we are willing to oppose those proposals going forward on principle alone.
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