PEAX Equipment

Wild Turkey and Mushroom Croquettes


Active member
Apr 20, 2011
Hamilton, MT
This is the absolute best recipe I've ever found for wild turkeys, also works with other birds like pheasant...My mom would whip these up with mashed taters and gravy. They are also excellent leftover in your pack for a lunch while hunting, minus the gravy of course. :D

5TBS Butter
4TBS Flour
1/2 cup extra strong chicken stock
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper
small pinch cayenne pepper
1 TBS dried chopped parsley
2 cups finely diced cooked wild turkey (I crockpot with chicken stock)
3-4 TBS finely diced mushrooms
dash of lemon juice
1/2 cup flour seasoned with salt and pepper
1 egg yolk, beaten
2 eggs beaten
1-1 1/2 cups dried bread crumbs
oil for frying

Make a thick sauce by melting 4 TBS butter and adding 4 TBS flour. Add chicken stock and milk and bring to a boil, reduce heat continue cooking and stirring until thick and smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste and dash of cayenne and parsley; let cool. Cook diced mushrooms in 1 TBS butter and sprinkle with a dash of lemon juice. Add diced turkey and then sauce and stir well. Leave on counter to cool, and then add the egg yolk and put in the refrigerator. Once chilled, divide into 12 equal portions and form into patties and roll in seasoned flour, then dip in the 2 beaten eggs followed by bread crumbs. Fry until golden brown (I use a fry daddy but mom did it on the stove), drain well and serve.

Try these! You will not be disappointed! If anyone tries them let me know how they turn out.
If I can outsmart one next year I'm going to have to try this! Sounds awesome. I'm guessing it'd work with about any lighter colored game meat.