Caribou Gear Tarp

Wild game consumed in your home

What percentage of meat consumed in your home is wild game?

  • 0-10%

  • 10-25%

  • 25-50%

  • 50-75%

  • 75-90%

  • 90-100%

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Active member
Jan 22, 2013
If your family is eating meat in your home (not out to eat), what is the likelihood that it is wild game?

I'm only a one or two tag a year guy, and my wife doesn't love the idea of wild game--so I'm probably in the lowest category. I often end up sharing with friends and eating it myself.
We consume an elk and 1-2 antelope/deer per year, which means it constitutes a decent percentage of the meat we eat. But, we still supplement with chicken, a little beef, and some pork. As much as I like elk, I don't think a better piece of meat exists than a grilled bone-in pork chop.
half the red meat we eat is venison of some form or another. The other half is usually a wild cow that breaks fences or jumps corrals.
We will have some chicken or pork every once in a while but we eat mostly wild game. Good thing hunting season is right around the corner, it's about time to re-stock the freezer.
I would like to up my percentage (10% or less), but I am not a terribly successful hunter... I try not to buy much meat at the store. My beef comes from my uncle's farm and this year I am buying half a pig from a friend's neighbor.
All red meat is either wild game, or moo cow from my wife's ranch...which are pretty rangey.

We eat a lot of store bought chicken. Haven't figured out a way to get enough grouse or turkey to fix that hole in the system.
half the red meat we eat is venison of some form or another. The other half is usually a wild cow that breaks fences or jumps corrals.
Wild cows always went to the sale barn back in my younger days. Well at least the one we could get in the trailer.

Only other meat in our house is chicken.
Less than 10% this year, but if I do decent enough over the next couple of months I might get up to the 50% range on red meat.
100% of ground meat is deer/moose (This is cut with a little pork when I grind it)
75% of Steaks are deer/moose (We like a nice ribeye every now and then)
we do buy chicken and pork
We are probably in the 90% wild meat range with big game, birds and fish combined. Once or twice a year we will buy beef steaks when they are on sale. Chicken, bacon, pork chops, or pork ribs and butts for the smoker occasionally. I could probably be happy without store bought meat if I could find a good bacon substitute from the wild.
Very rare for us to buy red meat in a store, I could count < 10 times in the last 15 years. We do get some beef from family.

Pork, we'll get a 4H pig every other year or so. I do buy bacon at the store.

Seafood is usually store purchased. So is poultry, but we eat very little on the chicken / turkey front.
I try to make our red meat diet 100% wild game, but am not always successful. Also eat plenty chicken and pork. Basically, I like meat :giggle:
I'm on a mission to only eat wild game and not buy any meat from the store. I get some pork fat from a friend who raises pigs every now and again (hopefully he continues...). Given the issues with food production in this country, my wife and I would like to remove ourselves as much as possible. I do like to support some of the local farms and ranches in our area, however.
Like many of you we supplement our game meat with chicken and a little pork. Occasionally some steaks from the in-laws beef cows, but most of our meat is wild game.

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