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"WILD" bill defeated


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Jan 22, 2003
House defeats wilderness bill

Mar. 11, 2009 08:39 AM
Associated Press

WASHINGTON - The House Wednesday defeated a bill to set aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness.
Majority Democrats agreed to amend the bill to clarify that it wouldn't impose new restrictions on hunting, fishing or trapping on federal land. The amendment was sought by the National Rifle Association.

A majority of House members supported the bill, but the measure was defeated because it did not receive the needed two-thirds votes. The vote was 282-144 in favor - two votes short of approval.

House debate on the bill turned contentious, as Republicans complained that the measure - one of the largest expansions of wilderness protection in 25 years - would cost up to $10 billion and block oil and gas development on millions of acres of federal property.

They also said it should not have been brought up under special rules that blocked most amendments and required two-thirds support for passage. Such rules are usually reserved for non-controversial bills.
Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., called the Democratic rules "an extreme abuse of the process." He said the bill - a collection of more over 170 individual bills - was "a 1,200-page monster piece of legislation" that could criminalize collecting rocks on federal land, among other problems.

Democrats disputed that and said the bill was among the most important conservation measures debated in the House in many years.

When headlines read that banks are failing, it's important for Americans to know that "our national parks are still beautiful, our national battlefields are still sacred and our national rivers are still wild and scenic," said Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

The defeated measure would have conferred the government's highest level of protection on land ranging from California's Sierra Nevada mountain range to Oregon's Mount Hood, Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado and parts of the Jefferson National Forest in Virginia.

Land in Idaho's Owyhee canyons, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan and Zion National Park in Utah also would have won designation as wilderness, and more than 1,000 miles of rivers in nearly a dozen states would have gained protections.

The bill also would let Alaska construct the road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge as part of a land swap that would give the state a seven-mile easement through the refuge. In exchange, the state was expected to transfer more than 1,000 acres to the federal government, much of it designated as wilderness
Bad news...it's now headed to the president's desk for his signature. Passed the House 285-140 yesterday.

You have to love legislation that binds many thing together that previously could not stand on their own. At least Simpson didn't get his CIEDRA wilderness bill into this.

The funny thing is that when the Owyhee Initiative was first dumped on the public, was the first time I met Jose...at Burger & Brew right after along with Moosie & Wylie.

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