NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Wife's Idaho Muley


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Kuna, Idaho
My wife, Nicki, drew three out of three tags this season. Talk about lucky! The mule deer tag was her last hunt of the season. On the second day we found the buck she wanted. We rowed my newly purchased raft across a river, climbed midway up the mountain to find the nice 4x4 we had spotted right where it had bedded down. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that my wife had aquired a serious case of "buck fever". As the buck stood up, looked around, bounced off a few steps, stopped, looked around, bounced off a few more steps, stopped ect... Nicki was attempting to jack a shell into the chamber (she was lifting the bolt handle straight up and the putting it right back down--over and over), the she could not find the deer in her scope (she was trying so hard to see the deer, at one point she had her eye within an inch of the scope). The deer finally decided that it did not want to die, and it went over the ridge. She was sooo bummed! The deer did not act very spooked, so we decided to side hill in the direction it had gone. One ridge led to another and before we knew it we were looking into a nasty bluffed out canyon. I told her it was to steep, and we would work our way down after a snack. While she was sleeping I glassed the canyon. Couldn't find anything but a few does. When she woke up, I decided to walk up the canyon 20 yards and look into a side canyon. I did not see anything. I looked back at her and shrugged my shoulders, then I reached down, picked up a big rock and chucked it. She looked at me like I was a nut. Truthfully, I was not expecting to look back down the canyon to see a beautiful buck staring up at me. Well it happened. As soon as I looked back at her she new something was up. She grabbed the gun, worked her way over to me and made a perfect shot. I guess "buck fever" doesn't strike twice in the same day!! Ofcourse, she shot the buck down in the canyon that I didn't want to take her into. Needless to say, it got pretty western. We got cliffed out with about 10 minutes of light left. We had to drop the deer, in order to find a safe route down to the river. The picture of me in the raft was the next morning after I had gone back to retrieve the meat.


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Very nice! Grats to her for a great buck! Great story. That is "gold" re : buck fever ... haha! Long,long ago my first buck... jacked the round out... was a bit frazzled and instead of just sliding the next round, I searched around for the bullet... once all that was resolved - I lined up for the shot and realized i still had the darn caps on the scope ... what a wreck! Haha! 14years old... my friend loves tellin that story - like a momma pullin out the baby pics for a first date .. meet the parents deal. Those were the days.

Great buck! Thanks for sharing and WELCOME TO HUNT TALK!
Really nice buck. It's great that you have a partner to share the experience with.
The buck fever part should be over now; maybe. I've heard of numerous incidences of seasoned hunters cycling every round out of the mag and never firing a shot.
Come on... Guys from Kuna and their wifes don't kill big game like that ;)

Coongrats !! thats a great way to start off posting. A studd buck for sure.
Great hunt, how did you make out on the other tags?

She had a great season.. She shot an antelope with her bow in August (she had a chance at a 14" buck, but things did not work out. The buck stopped at 25 yards and looked into the blind-- I told her not to move. Well after the buck drank at 17 yards and walked off, I asked her why she didn't shoot. She said it was because I told her not to move:D
She also shot her first bull elk. I had scouted the area for three days before the season opened. I had a beautiful 6 point bull pegged for her. We watched it all evening before the opener. Everything was perfect on the opener, except the six guys who came up from the ranch below had not read the script. Anyway, we were able to get her in on a spike two weeks later. It took a bit of convincing, but eventually the spike decided to give up the fight! She was excited, up until we started the 2 mile pack out!
On a side note--my duaghter drew a bear tag. Yep, my girls drew 4 out of 4 tags!! I should have put them in for Bighorn Sheep. She shot a beautiful bear with a .44 lever action. The night before the hunt, she was talking pretty big about how she was going to climb the tree and stab it with a knife. When we got to the tree, I looked around and she had moved about 20 yards up the hill away from the bear. I told her to come down, and she gave me the "not going to happen" look. It took a little talkin', but she ended up making a perfect shot right in the white spot. It was a great season. I never even hunted for myself--probably my best season ever!


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Welcome gamegetter..thanks for sharing your family's success here. great pics and stories.
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