PEAX Equipment

Why vote it makes no difference


Apr 22, 2012
So I got to thinking about this famous saying of "why vote when it does not matter, after all its just one single vote"...right..... I think the Republicans have lost their minds and don't care about my single vote...but my vote is not a "single vote"...its me, my wife, my voter aged son, the few friends I have educated on the Republicans desire to steal public lands, my couple of family members I have gotten on board with this crazy theft of public lands platform... my co workers who had no idea until I educated family who had no idea until I educated take all these people and their family/friends who spread the word to their family/friends....ect.. I realize this is truly wishful thinking but realistically my vote does matter, my opinion matters, I know I have changed a few minds about voting for the Republican ideal to steal from every American their lands they already own and everyone on this forum has the same power and ultimately I think it matters.. I can say this, my one vote is not really one as I have changed a few minds, educated a few minds, and me and my family will be voting for the preservation of public lands. I realistically think I control a dozen votes alone with just my opinion, people that normally don't vote or who vote mindlessly are actually taking my advice..if everyone on this forum control a dozen votes things would sure be different...again wishful thinking.
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Shotgun, you are very much correct in your thinking. The Republican Party between their current nominee and some of their ideals are going to kill them in the coming years. I've also touched several people over this issue who will vote against anyone who is for this idea. Younger generations won't embrace what the current party stands for, and I'm more than happy to tear apart any politician or party that puts in their platform their goal is to sell our public lands. The GOPs voters are going away and the future of the Republican Party is bleak in so many ways, which is sad in a lot of ways. The real issue here is that they have created enemies that would have otherwise voted for them. Hunters are traditionally conservative, but this land transfer business is definitely losing them some votes they would otherwise get. Good luck getting my vote until that is removed from their platform.
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Shotgun, you are very much correct in your thinking. The Republican Party between their current nominee and some of their ideals are going to kill them in the coming years. I've also touched several people over this issue who will vote against anyone who is for this idea. Younger generations won't embrace what the current party stands for, and I'm more than happy to tear apart any politician or party that puts in their platform their goal is to sell our public lands. The GOPs voters are going away and the future of the Republican Party is bleak in so many ways, which is sad in a lot of ways. The real issue here is that they have created enemies that would have otherwise voted for them. Hunters are traditionally conservative, but this land transfer business is definitely losing them some votes they would otherwise get. Good luck getting my vote until that is removed from their platform.

Oneye thanks for the support dude
If you don't vote, you cede the field to the T.V. People so they can tell the world why you didn't vote.

Voting is the only way to tell the T.V. People that you hate them.

Never vote for anyone the T.V. People want you to vote for.

Don't let the T.V. People tell you they don't care who you vote for.

The T.V. People are liars.

Everyone should write themselves in.

Rage against the machine.

That is all.
Do they matter as much when it comes down to the electoral college? I understand most times the electors vote based on the popular vote of each state and I think 27 or 28 states have laws saying they have to vote for the candidate who won the popular vote. But this election is not like any other that we have seen I am willing to say some will vote different than what the state popular vote is.
In MT, my vote for president really doesn't matter too much. Where we can have an impact at the ballot box is local and state elections. If we vote for people who support public land, we can gain enough momentum to have an impact on state and national platforms and policy. Let your local, state and congressional folks know that public lands and conservation are major issues.
In MT, my vote for president really doesn't matter too much. Where we can have an impact at the ballot box is local and state elections. If we vote for people who support public land, we can gain enough momentum to have an impact on state and national platforms and policy. Let your local, state and congressional folks know that public lands and conservation are major issues.

I agree with this. Depending on the outcome, this may be the last national election that I even bother with.