Caribou Gear

Why kill a Wolf ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I mean really.... there are so many people that wouldn't kill a Zebra because it's just a Striped Horse. Would those same people kill a Wolf ? It's just a big dawg .... ?

I was jsut wondering what others thought.
true it is a big dog BUT these big dogs are eating our big game that we live for. Well that's what I live for, so for me I say wackem and stackem :D :D
Why not?

It's a legitimate game animal wherever it's population density, and politics allow.

I'd rather shoot a big wild dog than a semi-tame corsican kissin' cousin of a barnyard goat, no matter how many thousands of acres the feeder was sitting on.
If you've got a tag and have a chance, shoot that sum beotch! I have never seen a wolf in the wild but if I did and had a chance, I would take it.
I'd rather shoot a big wild dog than a semi-tame corsican kissin' cousin of a barnyard goat, no matter how many thousands of acres the feeder was sitting on.
Are you pointing fingers?;) :D

For me, I think bringing home a wolf would be quite the deal. It would be a different kind of hunt than I am accustom to, so that would add to it. I don't have a wolf mount, so that would be cool. It would be a trophy not many folks have a chance to hunt, once again cool. Am I worried that if we don't kill all of them our big game populations will disappear, obviously no. Do I need to get a dozen of them, no. Might be fun to get a couple someday though. Kinda like bear baiting for "my own" hunting, pretty cool to get one, but one or two would be plenty.
Just think of how awesome a room full of rugs would look.
First off, I'd kill a zebra, if not for the rug, for the simple fact that it would probably make good lion bait.

Taking down a wolf would be nice to the elk and moose, predator control. It's been a long time coming and if it's ever allowed, I want to do it. I also think there would be a challenge to it. Somebody might be able to knock down a baker's dozen in a rancher's pasture under the right circumstances, but nailing a wild wolf on public land might involve more difficulties than most give it credit for. Most of all, it would be FUN, that's why.

I'd like to line up a stringer of wolf hides in my den, all different colors and sizes. Much better than shooting them in the ass and watching them limp off to be eaten by the rest of their pack.
The Trophy, for one. They make a great adversary, intelligent, cunning, fast all of the reason's we would persue any other big game animal. Look out how fast predator hunting is growing. People are finding out that these animals are exciting to hunt.
Not to mention the relief that elk and deer wil get.
Fair question, Moosie. I'm sure I'll get lots of arguements about this, but I'd drill a wolf simply to re-establish a balance in the predator to prey ratio. Still, even a dang coyote has its place in the scheme of things: and the wolf is no exception to that rule. Nobody in their right mind should suggest they should all be killed. The problem occures when a prolific, efficient predator is purpously reintroduced to feed on the wildlife you and I and everyone else are attempting to manage and conserve. I consider the wolf and the mountain lion as being poachers... especially in areas where they are being protected.
I've heard all the arguements and facts from the pro-wolf side until my head starts hurting. From all I've been told and from what I've heard firsthand, the wolf packs need a little thinning out. I would imagine a wolf coat would be plenty warm, too.
I'd also like to be the first in the lower 48 to take one with a bow. That would be a challenge. Will B&C create a class for them? If we can measure a bear or a cougar why not a wolf?
I would so i would have some deer and elk to hunt and piss off the people that brought them back when it is in the back of my truck on top of half a load of wood to show it off.

I'll take a wolf when the times comes for the mount and to keep a check on a predator, simple as that. I'm looking forward to it. Many said the wolves will never be delisted, they were wrong. Some also say they will not be hunted, once again wrong. Given the conservative nature of the DNR here in MN we may not have a season right after the 5 year waiting period but we will have a season. Other states will probably have hunting seasons before us because of their wolf paranoia, but I say good on them. Predators need to be managed.
Why NOT shoot a wolf?
You don't eat griz or coyote, but that doesn't stop us.
Plus, wolf pelts are beautiful!
Ithaca 37... fair enough, ya got me. I did say that. My pessimisum got the best of me and my "Daveuition" was out of tune. I sometimes think I'm able to look into the future, but as a plamreader I suck. Maybe someone will still take me on a wolf hunt even though I can't predict my way out of a paper bag.
Still; I'll believe when I see it happening. The Defenders of Wildlife and the HSUSA will have kittens if they actually delist the wolf and allow hunting. I can hear the whining already.
Nostrodamus Dave
The ideal situation of course, would be to have a wolf stand in front of a zebra, so one could kill both with a single shot.
So what your saying, Ithaca, is that lower 48 wolf hunting HAS begun ? Really ? Where can I put in for a tag ?
Remember my bet offer, no public lower 48 wolf hunts by the POTUS election. Are we on ?

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