Why I try not to come don on people for making Dumb mistakes..

okay Delw, got it now. I didn't see where you said you got out of the truck. You put the keys on the dash and then the front of the truck got totaled. I was wondering how that happened with you sitting right there in the driver's seat. :D
When my two year old was about 9 months old she was crawling around pretty good. I had been working on my laptop with it plugged into the wall, finished up, took the plug out of the back of the computer, and went to put the computer away, forgetting to unplug the cord from the wall. 5 Minutes later I came into the room just as she picked up the computer end of the cord and stuck it in her mouth! I yelled and ran over and grabbed her. She screamed solid for 10 minutes. |oo

Now that I'm writing this down, I'm thinking maybe I should go plug in the computer cord and put the end in my mouth to teach my dumb azz how bad it hurt her.

Not quite on topic but another story I remember was when she was a couple of weeks old she slept in a cradle by our bed and I'd pick her up and give her to my wife to feed her in the night when she was recovering from her C-section and couldn't pick the kid up out of the cradle. After the kid ate, I'd change her diaper and put her back down. Between all the waking up at night and law school during the day I was pretty tired. One time I sat up in bed to change her, set her between my legs and got her diaper off, the little punk shot wet poo a solid 18 inches out of her butt and it got everywhere! Well, it was like 3 am and I was dead tired, wife thought it was funny and said I should change the sheets, I said forget it. I put the kid to sleep, wiped up what I could took my shiz stained underwear off, laid a towel over the sheets, and went back to bed. :eek:
One of my uncles was telling me a story awhile back about leaving his two boys in the truck as he went into a grocery store in Montana

In Montana you can still carry loaded weapons in the truck

The 30-30 hanging in the gun rack was no exception

The oldest of the two reached up and pulled the trigger

Not only was the boys ears ringing, the police station on the other side of the street received a visitor in the form of a bullet entering thru their front window

My uncle said it looked like an angry bees nest when the police station immediately emptied its human contents guns drawn
Fred and me look back on all the things that happen to the boys when they was smaller and LOAO now. but back then it was not funny we tell the boys what they did and they just look at us and say no way. or you left that happen to us. I just look at them and say you still here on earth.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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