Who is everybody part 4

Name: Darren Gibson
AKA: dgibson (original, ain't it?)
Email: [email protected]
Location: Proud to be a Kentuckian
Age: 28
Tax status: Married with 2 awesome boys, 2.75 years and 10 weeks
Years hunting: Squirrels, 22. Rabbits, 5. Deer, 4. Turkeys, 2. Elk, 0 *sigh*.
Occupation: TV station engineer

Weapons: Various rifles and a new bow that I haven't shot yet

Favorite pastimes: Getting busted by big toms (dangit!), chasing trespassers off my hunting patch, scratching poison ivy and mosquito bites, being irate about Hollywood and media hypocrites (comes with the job)

Biggest pipedream: Alaska for bear and moose **sigh again**.

Thanks for the great board, Moosie et al. Glad to be here.
Name: Matt Radford
AKA: Kidneystone
Email: [email protected]
Location: Wenatchee, WA (call Rigby,ID home)
Age: 31
Married: Yes w/ 2 kids (3 yr old Ashley and 2 year old Caleb Zacary)
Years hunting: 12 years or so
Occupation: pharmaceutical sales rep.
Weapons: PSE something or other and Ruger M77 .06.
Animals Taken: 6 muledeer, 5 whitetails, 2 elk, 8 antelope, 1 Turkey, countless cats.
Name: Doris L Monhollen
AKA: The Viperess
Married: 21 years, I have 3 boys Freddie JR 16,Codie W 11, MartinPaul D 9.All 3 great boys.
Years hunting:2
Occupation: truck driver CDL B.
I like too take long walk's and go camping.I love hunting with my family. and meeting new people.I like to just do things for my family. I have them all spoled.the one spoiled the most it Worthless Nut.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05 September 2001 07:35: Message edited by: The Viperess ]</font>
Jimmy "Jimbo" Dimanoff
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Location: Austin, Texas
Age: 28, but I turn 29 on the 13th.....
Family: gotta wife back in April and 2 labs (if they don't stop chewing my $hit up, scratch the labs)
Years huntin': Since I can remember
Occupation: Financial Consultant/Manager
Weapons of Choice: 300 Weatherby, or Browning BPS 12 gauge, or 30-06 (depends what I'm hunting)

Favorite Pastime: Hunting and Fishing, watching college footbal, hanging out on the lake wakeboarding (like surfing behind a boat), hanging out with my buddies sipping on some cold suds.....

Big Plans: In the process of trying to go into business for myself, damn it takes a lotta time to get everything in order, but hopefully it will be worth it when I hang my sign!!!!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Guess I'll add my stats on the board.

Real name: Steve Knight
AKA: snite66
E-mail: [email protected]
Location: Southern Illinois (and I mean southern)
Age: 34 (had to get my license out for that one)
Married: yep W/two great kids 9yr. old and 6yr. old
years hunting: can't remember when it started but know it ain't near over.
Occupation: labor (build semi truck tires)
Weapons: several guns and a HCA bow that I love to hunt with.
Hobbies: Horses and Huntin (if it walks crawls flies or swimms I will chase it)
Biggest dream hunt: Kodiak with a hand gun

Thanks for makin me feel welcome guys.
Name: John Wasson Jr.
AKA: GilaMonster
Loaction: Silver City, NM
Age: 43
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web Pages: http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/GilaMonster/index.html
Married: yes, with three children
Occupation: over-the-road truck driver now. Was an outtfitter in New Mexico for 7 years.
Hobbies: hunting, shooting, and did I mention hunting!
Dream Hunt: Mongolia for Altai Argali, Siberian Ibex, and Asian Wapiti. Is that too much to ask for?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11 September 2001 21:34: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>
Hi there!
My name is Doug Kimmel. I live in Somerset County Pa. I am 35 years old, married and have 4 kids........all tomboys. I work long hours as a tool and diemaker. At one time or another I have hunted and trapped pretty much everything that Pa has to offer. I am on my way to fulfilling one of my hunting dreams......in December I am going to Arizona to hunt coyotes and bobcats, and meet some of the people who have shown me how to be a better predator caller. Some things that I love about this board and the chatroom is hearing about Western hunting and sharing laughs with friends.
I registered pretty early on this site after leaving HIS, but never got around to doing this.

I am Tim Barnes, I am 29, and I live in Laramie, WY. I am currently in law school. I am married with 1 child (3yrs) and one due in March. I have hunted here for 1 year and still consider myself a novice. Hunted since I was 12 in Texas and Louisiana and have killed 1 elk, 1 deer, and many many tree rats and doves.
Name: Alex Sinclair
AKA: TCHunter
E-mail: [email protected]
Location: Jackson Hole Wyoming (bout 6 miles from Elkhunter and Left Behind.
Age: 29
Married: Yes, and very happy. Actually went antelope hunting with my wife for one day on our honeymoon. (We both got a nice buck each.)
Years Hunting: 4 years in New Hampshire where I am from originally, and 6 years here in Wyoming.
Occupation: I am a carpenter for a small construction company which builds custom log and framed homes around Jackson.
Weapons: Various rifles, shotguns, and handguns. No big bore rifles YET!
Animals Taken: 3 Mule Deer 2 Whitetails 1 Antelope and many birds and waterfowl.
Charlie "Ed" Hand
57 yoa
Retired Law Enforcement
Native Floridian( sneaked into Ohio and Texas for a while)
Native American ( Muscogee Creek)
Hunt, fish, range officer, hobby gunsmith
Deer,hog,pheasent,whistle pig,quail,coyote,bobcat
Handle: stanleyaz or stanley (depending on the message board)
Real Name: Stan Johnsen
Occupation: IT Director for a large US company.
39, married w/ an AWESOME wife & 3 great kids. ;) Boy/9, boy/6, girl/4. I live in Phoenix, but get out to my old stomping grounds in the desert as often as possible. I love to hunt deer & elk, but it's also hard to beat a good desert gambels quail hunt! C'mon rain!!!!!

Chas031 AKA Charlie Robbins
[email protected]
Divorced w/two grown, sober kids 29, 27
location:MA/CT border(great for extending season
rifle, shotgun, compound, handgun, knife, sharp stick, toothpick!
Deer:200, turkeys:50, bear:!(bow), squirrel 1000, pheasant 500, partridge 300, ducks 500, crows 1000s, trout 10000, bass1000, mosquitoes 100,000
hobbies: :D :D :D
dream hunt: the next one!

Name: Paul (Skip) Deckman ( don't ask)
Handle: Whiskers
Marital Status: Married (32 long hard years) 2 sons, Mike 31, and Chris 28
Age: 53 (changes yearly)
Location: Southern Jersey (by Atlantic City)
Occupation: NJ Transit Multi Seated Mass Transit Operator (bus driver)
Weapons: According to wife entirely to many
Years Hunting: 41
Hobbies: Deer hunting, crow hunting, and fishing. (anything to keep out of yard work)
Name:Keith Groven
Handle: smalls
Marital status: scared
Age: 22 and counting
Location: Fargo, ND
Occupation: Advertising and Farming
Weapons: mostly hand to hand combat
No children I know of...
Hobbies: Hunting and fishing
Corporal Kass Irons Confederate States of America (CSA) Persona

In 1821, Stephen F. Austin, known as the "Father of Texas," made a contract to bring 300 families to the Spanish province, which now is Texas. By 1823, probably more than 600 to 700 people were in Texas, hardy colonists from the various portions of the United States at that time, who settled not far from the Gulf of Mexico. There was no regular army to protect us, so Austin called all the citizens together and organized a group to provide the needed protection. Austin first referred to this group as the Rangers in 1823, for their duties compelled them to range over the entire country, thus giving rise to the service known as the Texas Rangers. Me and my Ma were part of these families; we came looking for land to settle after Pa had passed away three years earlier and a new start. Ma took on borders until getting a Mexican cook, started a small hotel, and was doing real well in just a short time. Ma really did not need me any more and could be along fine on her own so I struck out. Sixteen and plumb full of piss and vinegar I went looking for my fortune.

It was in 1823 when I joined the Rangers, Seventeen years old; but with already a cattle drive under my belt lasting several months the year before. That time spent with Mr. Culpepper trail herding from Texas to Colorado with more than 1,000 head of Mexican beef was my change from boy to man and I was ready for the Rangers. Don't get me wrong now, that drive was nothing like what the drives are today. I recall I got five dollars a month and found. I hear that the drovers are getting twice that now and the cooks get sixty! That drive even though it wasn't the most important thing to happen in the world had brought death at my hand, my first experience with a woman, my first drink, and the first look of respect from another man's eye. I had signed on with The Culpepper Cattle Company as Cook's helper, what everyone called "Mary" and from all I learned I suspect I might have learned to cook too if Cook had known anything. I never said a word though. I had learned a whole lot more about fixin' grub from Ma than Cook ever showed he knew. That time spent with Mr. Culpepper was my ticket into the Rangers. Once they found out I could cook a little bit; seemed like, that's all I ever did. I stayed with them. Mostly on the range rounding up whatever criminals need be, stray renegades, or even an occasional Mexican soldier. Cooked too!

In 1844, the Texas rangers leader, Jack Hays, set up headquarters in San Antonio. He wanted the men to learn how to fight better on horseback and in an area near the San Pedro springs we got to test our abilities. We had a riding and shooting contest against the Comanche Indians and local Mexican caballeros. Needless to say, I did all right at that. Still cooked! Cap'n Jack thought maybe there just wasn't anything I couldn't do! I always did right by the men and they did by me too. In 45, the Army put a camp in there so we had neighbors to visit when there was time to do so. I conversed with the Quartermaster there and learned a few more things about cooking and such from him. One fella there, Corporal Charles Goodnight and I got to be good friends. He had worked on some of the earliest cattle drives too, and even joined the Rangers for a while. He was drawing up pictures of what he was calling a "chuck wagon."; real interesting contraption too!

It was like a covered wagon with a big trunk in the back with a lid on the front that drops down. He puts legs under the lid and makes a table. Well, inside that trunk, there are shelves and bins and in there, he says he plans on storing his flour, bacon, sugar, coffee, beans, and other stuff. He is trying to get the Army to build one to use on patrols for a field kitchen. He says it will work better on cattle drives than mules or pack horses so the cook can haul all his stuff and maybe the drovers' burdens too. "Charles"; says I, " you know now the Army ain't going to do anything that makes good sense!" He agreed and laughed at that. A few years later, he was commissioned full Colonel; imagine that! I stayed on there in the Springs through the start of the war doing more Rangering and cooking learning a little more this and that and getting older as time moved on. In 54, Jefferson Davis brought in those danged camels. Funniest looking critters I ever saw! Comanche were down right scared of them; thought they were some kind of evil spirit or something. Davis got this crazed idea that he could replace the army mule with these things for moving men and bundles over the desert. I guess that's normal, for the Army though. Only the Army could ignore Charles' chuck wagon idea but import these disasters over the sea! They didn't need as much water as the mules did and could pack bigger loads too; but there were some real problems with them. Guess they come from some big desert somewhere. Anyway, I bet he would like to get his hands on the carpetbagger that talked him into that idea! Those things were nasty; actually would spit on you or stand on your foot just to be mean. Danged things did cook up pretty tasty though! That hump on their back was a whole lot like ox tails without the bones and you could roast it up and put most any kind of vegetables with it. The rest of them was something like beef only a little tougher. The army turned them loose and there were still some of them running wild when the war broke out. Just shortly afterward, the Union put up a Confederate prison camp there at the springs and all hell broke loose. The ranchers and proud citizens thought that was bringing just too many men and animals for that little area to support so that idea didn't work at all. Didn't take the Union long to shut it down and move out entirely. Texas was kind of pro Confederate anyway; and I think the blue bellies could take the hint. Times were just getting real good for Texas. The cattle business was just starting to do well. Several trails had opened up into New Mexico, Colorado, and of course California. Shoot, there was even talk of Texas breaking away and becoming independent. Well there, I was and here I am. 1860, already 55 years old, my last chance to make my mark; so I joined up for a little excitement and look at this; still cookin'!

Corporal Kass Irons, CSA
Mosby's Raiders
Quartermaster and Garrison Cook
Name: Erin Whetstine
Nickname: Quick Draw or QD
Location: Spanaway, Washington
Occupation: Student
Age: 20
Married: No
Years hunting: about 6 I think
Weapons: Savage .30-.30 and .308, 7mm Mag Browning A bolt, a .50 cal muzzle loader never been shot.
Quick Draw

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