Caribou Gear

Whitetail- Montana Decoy fail


Oct 17, 2012
100miles W of Chicago, IL
Ive sat 3 times so far this bow season. First two times, had small bucks run right up to the Montana decoy and stare at it. We're almost to peak rut here in IL, btw. Last sat am, had a giant at 100 yards who didnt even pick his head up to my grunt, rattle or bleat. I lost sight of him and then next thing I know hes at 60 yrds headed for my lane and decoy. He spots my decoy, stomps 3X and snorts then busts out w flag up. Has anyone else had the same experience w bigger deer? That a.m. I touched off a buck bomb in the area also.
First two times, had small bucks run right up to the Montana decoy and stare at it..
The small bucks are young and dumb and have a lot to learn in life.

The "bigger deer" didn't get big or should I say old from being dumb.
I'm not sure of what caused your buck to spook, just guessing he already winded you and just not sure of your location when he spoted your decoy he knew things weren't right.

The woods around here are blown apart by "hunters'" and their brothers and their other brothers, making every sound they can with calls, rattling and using artificial scents or anything else that is non natural in the deer world. Makes hunting the "bigger ones" a little tough. Deer around here are very call wise.

For around here (east TN) you decide if you want to go deer hunting or hunt the big ones. The big ones are a breed of their own and need to be hunted a little different than the average deer. If you hunt the big ones as you would the average deer, it is only by luck that you will harvest one.
Change your hunting tactics, forget deer hunting and hunt only the big ones.

Good luck!