Sitka Pre Season Savings

Which Is The Best Tasting Critter?

Ruffed Grouse fried in butter is excellent also. Now sharing a big game meal & drinks with friends and or family and story telling about the hunt that is what a game dinner is all about.
From the sea, Nothin like fresh Monkey Face Eel tacos. On land, Antelope Backstrap hands down.
From the rivers or lakes, Smoked trout. Or trout gravlax. Haven’t had much from the air as far as birds go. 🤔
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A good venison tenderloin seared and finished in the oven is hard to beat.
Bear steaks and moose steaks are probably my favorite, but so is elk ribeye.
Kudu in Africa was the favorite there.
I have eaten lots of critters and parts. Some many wouldn’t considers. God made so many good tasting critters. But the two best are Elk and Lingcod. Lots of close seconds.
This was where I was at most of the time as well. Some of the Asian dishes left me cold, but for the most part, I was game for trying something new.

Hunting Wife: the Gemsbok provide excellent table fare, as does the Kudu. Zebra has a very nice taste to it, a little chewy, but good and good for you as well.. We had Giraffe Ribs at Victoria Falls and it was fantastic, but I think the sauce it had on it was the key. Termites are very tasty and we took them to the field with us to snack on.

But all things being equal my favorites are closer to home. Dall Sheep, Coues Deer, Cranes, Pheasant , and I always want to include frog legs, but my husband use to tell me that the frog legs prepared at the outdoor party we attended in Louisiana that I liked were not that good. He said I thought they were good because I liked the home brew :)

Frog legs are definitely in my top 5. Really good stuff.
+1. I’ve never had a shrimp meal I didn’t like!👍🏻 Same with fresh tuna

What’s the one thing all y’all have never had as yet but are Jones’n to try?? Mine would be sand hill crane- anything that’s called a flying prime rib has got my interest

Pronghorn and bear for me.
Pronghorn backstrap has to be number 1 of all time in my book as far as big game. I believe a Canada goose thigh smoked w applewood and put in a crockpot for 20 hrs is pretty dang good as well, since I’ll be having that tonight! Fish well there are a lot of good ones, Walleyes, Perch, bluegill, plenty of great salt water fish as well. But the one I’ve had and cooked myself is pacific blue fin Tuna! Deep fried for 45 seconds, crunchy outside and a raw pink in the middle yummy 😋
I’ll eat mountain lion if I have the chance but I want it prepared by a Chinese chef. Nobody cooks a cat like those guys.
Hell, if you dont know how to cook it just throw a slab of cat meat in a crock pot with some chopped up onions and pepper, salt, whatever. When you wake up it will be fall apart flaky tender white meat. You can go anywhere with it from there. Really its impossible to screw up even if you do a zero effort thing. I have a couple pounds of cat stew chunks thawing in the fridge right now, going to make a big ol pot of lion soup here soon.
Hard to decide. Moose was pretty darn tastey when we killed a few about ten years ago. But I haven't had any since. Young elk and antelope are about on par for me, at the top. Then whitetail, then mule deer.

As far as fish goes, I think the best tasting I have had was the permit, mangrove snapper and triple tail we caught in Florida last summer. Way better than any fresh water fish I have eaten.
Tonight was Moose tenderloin on the smoker grill. I have a Masterbuilt propane smoker grill that is easier and faster than the Traeger grill ever thought of, but everyone has jumped on the Traeger bandwagon and put Masterbuilt out of business. I wish I had bought a few spares when they were still available.

The Masterbuilt and hard wood chips made the moose tenderloin mighty tasty tonight...

Antelope backstrap
Quail poppers
Grilled elk nuggets
Fresh fried halibut chunk tacos

I know the last one sounds lame but with the right seasoned Batter that us the best fish you’ll ever eat!