Where to stay in Glasgow

Cottonwood is certainly the nicest motel in town and the only one with a bar and cafe. The LaCasa is quaint little motel that would should be suitable as well.
The La Casa and the Roosevelt were both complete dives when I was there a couple years ago. The room I stayed at in the La Casa had a couple inches of pet hair lining the baseboards, so I'm assuming they're dog friendly.

After I left the guys I was working with went to the Cottonwood and said it was pretty nice.
I live just outside of town, everyone is correct, Cottonwood is really nice, not sure on the dog friendly part, hope your coming for sharptails, quite a few of those in the area, if your after pheasants, you will be hard pressed to find good shooting around here.
We are down to one kid in a 5 bedroom house. :rolleyes:

The Cottonwood Inn is the best place in town and dog friendly. They have a full service bar and restruant in the hotel as well.

That means you can have multiple man caves, right?
Thanks for the info. I'll book Cottonwood tomorrow. Going to spend a few days around Glasgow then work my way back towards Choteau over the course of a week chasing Birds and Deer

Cottonwood was booked when I called last week and just checked in and looks slim that I will get in still. What about Campbell lodge? Anything decent in Saco?
I am unsure if the Campbell is dog friendly or not. It certainly isn't the Cottonwood Inn. Did you ask to be on the Cottonwood's cancel list?

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