where do you draw the line...

so we have been going through drama at work. most of it has to do with people who think that they are way better than they really are. l totally understand that self confidence is a good thing in moderation but l find that people tend to blur the line into getting arrogent. where is that line and how do you stay on the right side of it...

Are you the management or the peer? Two very different but equally enjoyable ways to handle it.
Some varied and interesting advice in this thread. I think how one handles this depends a lot on the job. At the plant it was easier to just go to work and keep my head down. Sure I was overeducated for the job but who cares? It paid well and I enjoyed being a part of the shift community - baseball teams, poker nights, etc. Demanding and dangerous manual labor can be quite rewarding both financially,physically, and mentally. Unfortunately, management was spending the place into the ground so I left for teaching. From there I moved to something even more creative with the US Park Service. I found it very difficult to work in a "team environment" to produce creative product with team members who either didn't have the ability (often any ability), especially if they had no desire to acquire the necessary knowledge. Those people are an anchor and usually the heaviest ones were my immediate supervisors. Like my retired US govt servant dad always told me, what floats to the top in the NPS is not cream ... more like the stuff in the toilet bowl. How does one keep his head down when the product paid for by the public is engineered to produce misinformation? Some folks have the necessary diplomacy to work around that. I never did.

Bottom line is there is no fixed line in the sand. How you deal with it depends on the job and the people and the management. I found my best and most efficient work was projects I worked on alone. A few times, very few times, I flew with eagles, but most of the team members I had to deal with were dodo birds. I moved on ... constantly. Not a solution I would advise for anyone else.
There’s different levels to this stuff. If it’s just a jerk calling names and acting arrogant it’s pretty easy to put headphones in and ignore them but if it’s incompetent people arrogantly acting like they should be promoted when they haven’t paid their dues and they whine to the boss till the boss asks you to let them do more big stuff when they won’t even learn the basics that’s not so easy to ignore. I’ve dealt with both the latter recently. It’s worse when it’s a family business. If being in a family business where I’ve paid my dues in a lot of ways didn’t allow me so much time off to hunt I’d have left already.
This is an interesting collection of opinions you have spawned 220....

I'm on the verge of some new opportunities and I'm concerned I might be trading one set of problems and complaints for a new different set.
This is an interesting collection of opinions you have spawned 220....

I'm on the verge of some new opportunities and I'm concerned I might be trading one set of problems and complaints for a new different set.
Life is a crap shoot. Dice not Taco John.
My guys know if they put out poor work they will hear from me. If they put out work that's the best they can do it's all good. Each person is responsible for their station.
It comes down to the shop boss. If he or she is incompetent in leadership the shop will fail.
40 years running a high end shop, winner's & slackers are quickly gone.
So , do you work, let your work speak for itself.
Couldn't care less if someone is overly confident, but draw the line at having to do other people's work or fix their mistakes.

Let them scream from a mountain how great they are, but the second I have to do some of your work...hard no.
This ^
For me at work it isnt the people that think they know everything. Its the ones that get paid to do a job and they dont do the job. I come in and work from open to close and if i’m sitting idle, I find something to do. Where as others have no problem being on the clock and their phone. Those are also usually the same people that bitch about their pay and management not careing, yet dont put forth the effort to help themselves.
this what my coworkers and l are dealing with, with the added bonus that he feels the need to come into our area and tell us what a great welder he is and how we need to do do what he is doing...and his stuff looks like junk.
Welders can be certified to some pretty crap visual and bend test standards.
You should ask to get certified using some standard that requires RT. When your boss starts praising a crap weld just ask him if he thinks that weld will pass RT.
Radiography is usually a good separator.
Welders can be certified to some pretty crap visual and bend test standards.
You should ask to get certified using some standard that requires RT. When your boss starts praising a crap weld just ask him if he thinks that weld will pass RT.
Radiography is usually a good separator.
...over 30 years ago there were problems discovered in RT tests on 750 welds @ the Diablo Canyon nuke plant in CA during const. After further tests 2500 welds were faulty...

I found that most folks don't know how to do their own jobs well enough to be considered good at it.
...over 30 years ago there were problems discovered in RT tests on 750 welds @ the Diablo Canyon nuke plant in CA during const. After further tests 2500 welds were faulty...

I found that most folks don't know how to do their own jobs well enough to be considered good at it.
DC is gonna get it's life extended....

PG&E Corp. formally asked federal regulators Monday to extend the life of Diablo Canyon, the last operating nuclear plant in California, as part of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s effort to improve reliability of the electricity grid. The state’s largest utility announced it applied to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to renew Diablo Canyon’s license and postpone the planned 2025 shutdown of the San Luis Obispo County plant, which supplies about 9% of the state’s power. Newsom, reversing his earlier opposition to prolonging Diablo Canyon’s lifespan, signed legislation in September that would keep the plant open until 2030. The legislation also allows the state to loan PG&E as much as $1.4 billion to make upgrades needed to postpone the plant’s closure.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article268116547.html#storylink=cpy

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