Where do Colorado rabbits live?

Are you that hungry?
I’m that broke!
And it beats sitting in i70 traffic to park 5mi from the resort to have to ride the bus face to face with some dude with cigarette/alcohol breath.

I’d prefer to shoot one, but as long as the road is relatively snow covered and I’m worried I’m not gonna be able to get turned around with the cargo trailer I have no shame in jumping out and lighting one up.

Do you have any over your way?
Want to go look for some tomorrow or next weekend?
I’ll drive.

Also, would it be ok if I used your garage sink to do a final fur inspection if I get one this winter?
Here in western Colorado rabbits range from almost non-existent to so thick you have to go 5 mph to keep from running them over at night!
All depends on the year. I had years where I killed over 60 with a bow and limited out every day I hunted. I also had years when I was lucky to just find some tracks in the snow! Areas with lots of sagebrush and ditches with lots of rabbit holes. A little water also helps.
Rabbits have cycles which averages about every 10 years. If you live in the Grand junction area go out to the stateline and go North,
My grandfather’s dog had a runt cottontail rabbit that followed it around the yard in the evening one summer. The dog bit Grandfather one too many times so he put the dog down. The rabbit then began eating up the vegetable garden so my grandfather shot and cooked the cottontail. Yes, he had a little hare of the dog that bit him.
My grandfather’s dog had a runt cottontail rabbit that followed it around the yard in the evening one summer. The dog bit Grandfather one too many times so he put the dog down. The rabbit then began eating up the vegetable garden so my grandfather shot and cooked the cottontail. Yes, he had a little hare of the dog that bit him.
Don't quit your day job 😃

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