What's with all the Norma ammo all of a sudden ?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2011
Lately I've noticed quite a lot of Norma manufactured ammo available. I believe they have a manufacturing facility here in the US as well as their home base in Sweden. Anyone have experience with their factory loads on deer or elk ?
I bought some at the beginning of the year for a 270 I picked up. Grouped as well as any typical soft point ammo Ive used. Two deer this season and both were pass throughs in the ribs, can’t comment on the elk
No idea why you are seeing more recently. But I use to shoot factory oryxs in my 9.3 when hunting elk. I had good success with them and would still be using them if I could find them.
It was the only thing I could find in 6.5CM last summer. It did the trick on my antelope at 75 yards. Dropped in his tracks - quartering away shot through one lung.
Price on them didn't seem too terrible on them either. I was wondering about the quality of the components. Suppose they are the same as what's coming from Sweden?
it has been consistently in stock around here all summer. In common calibers that is. I’ve shot it through my 243, 6.5, and 7-08 recently and all grouped well. The brass is just a bonus.
I think there was a thread over on LRH that said norma was no longer goin to ship brass to the US going forward.
I don't know... but I need the brass so I buy it. 😁

Same here. I found factory loaded Norma 300 Win for less than $30 per box at Academy a couple months ago. I absolutely bought it for the brass.
I bought some 7-08 a few weeks ago. I’d recommend anyone buy some just to have the little plastic sleeves they come in. I also shot a doe last night about 220 yards, nice clean pass through and performed well without the mess.

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