What’s the worst item you’ve lost?

One kershaw folding knife climbing down a little waterfall, a pair of under armor gloves, one trekking pole, one bugle tube and more arrows than I care to admit shooting at grouse
back in the mid 90's while making a deer drive with a gang of hunters in a swamp I LOST my stainless Steel Ruger 44mag. It apparently fell out of the shoulder holster at some point in the swamp. We looked for it a few times days later but the rains came and the area soon was under water for 90% of the time. That one hurt.

Go back there with a metal detector and I bet it is still there
Ramrod for a muzzleloader on a hunt. Brilliant.

I have never lost them but I now leave my keys at the truck somewhere in/on/around the vehicle to make sure I don't manage to lose them while hunting.
I watched my brother loose a ramrod to his muzzleloader one day. He shot it out, he left it in, accidentally of course. The crazy part is, he is super cautious of stuff like that. Live and learn.
The canoe we built this summer is specifically for accessing a section of public that I hope is overlooked this fall, I have a great fear of losing my rifle in the water. Planning to take it in the case with a life jacket strapped on to avoid this very thing.
They do make floating gun cases these days.
I lost my range finder about two weeks ago hunting antelope. I was trying to run to a fence post to use for a gun rest and it bounced out of my my. Left without the Antelope and range finder on that hunt. Went back about a week later to hunt and filled my antelope tag. So basically I traded a low end range finder for a buck antelope. That's fine with me I didn't really like the range finder anyway.
Lost a GPS, e-collar transmitter (it was orange and there was snow on the ground so you would think backtracking I could find it, but I didn't despite lots of effort and bouts of cursing), a couple pocket knives, and lots of headlights (lucky I only buy the cheap ones)
Ive been thinking a lot about this I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any guns but like everybody here knifes, hatchets, ect.... But probably a hand made knife that I got for a present when I was born. (dang it now I'm mad all over)
Lost my Wedding ring several years back. It was an extremely cold October morning when I shot and quartered a mule deer buck. After getting everything in my pack, I washed my hands in the creek near the kill site. As I was walking back to my pack, I realized my ring was missing. Spent the next hour and a half looking through deer guts, the creek, and the sandy surrounding area. Walked out and returned the following weekend with a rented metal detector. Great fun carrying that stupid thing up the hill to where I shot my deer. Five mile round trip and a complete day wasted. I sure am glad I am married to an understanding wife.
Easton 5mm Match Axis with Ethics insert and a Hypodermic +P. Orange 4 fletch AAE pro max with orange wrap, come home buddy! I didn't mean to leave you!
As painful as it is to admit this, I drove off yesterday after an antelope hunt and left my rifle laying next to the truck. I had my son with me for a first hunt ride along, and in the process of getting him loaded it was the forgotten item. Drove back an hour later and it was gone. Near Lavina,MT if anyone happens to hear anything. A family gun, which doesn’t make it any easier 😩
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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