PEAX Equipment

What’s the worst item you’ve lost?

I kept reading to see who was the first one to admit to losing half a house, savings and pension from hunting too much. Maybe just not considering it a loss?
back in the mid 90's while making a deer drive with a gang of hunters in a swamp I LOST my stainless Steel Ruger 44mag. It apparently fell out of the shoulder holster at some point in the swamp. We looked for it a few times days later but the rains came and the area soon was under water for 90% of the time. That one hurt.
Oh I almost forgot about the leica 1600 rangefinder that must have fell off the belt somewhere in 3a/3c on an elk hunt. That hurt also
I have had a few close calls, with very few actual losses. I temporarily lost a pair of binos for a week, flash light for a couple of weeks, and a hat for a few months. The binos got ran over by a tractor tire which ironically save them from being hit by the bush hog, nothing was broken. The hat was on a private lake duck hunting so I figured it would turn up someday. I ended up losing the same hat last fall while bowhunting. One evening I left my bow propped against a truck tire. Realized it when I got home and the 10 minute drive back seemed to take forever, though for sure I had ran over it. Got lucky when I backed out, I must've turned my wheel and knocked it out of the way of the tire.
Lost a brand new Camo Jacket while Archery Deer hunting.took it off when I got hot and draped it over my backpack.
Got back to camp and no jacket.Backtracked all afternoon,nothing.On my way back to camp stopped in and talked
to some Turkey hunters in thier camp.Shared a beer or two and mentioned my missing jacket.Told them if they found
my jacket I would buy them a brand new one.To they're reply,if I find your missing new jacket I'll just keep it and you
won't have to buy me a new one! Lol!! Wiseass...:cool:
So, at the trailhead on our backpacking trip this week we met a gent who had lost his GPS at the lake (his best guess). He didn't want to hike the 6 miles back and asked us to look out for it. While turning the corner by the first cove at the lake, one of the guys in our group found it. So, there is hope when you lose something!
Lost a backpack with my binoculars, rangefinder and gps along with a few other small items. It somehow "fell" out of the truck as i was eating lunch in Wyoming the day before season opened. Glad my rifle and tags were back at the motel
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Nothing but a guy went flying past us on a trail one time when hunting and he went around a corner so fast he lost his binoculars. Leica. I told my buddy I was going to follow him and track him down. His said, man the almost hit us, let alone we are hunting, dont give him back his binocs. My repsonse, I am not but I want to get the case when it falls off too.
Accidentally threw my favorite pocket knife in the river ,while I was cutting and tossing chum.
That was horrible.
Gift from my granddad.
Went back two months later when the water was low, and walked straight to it. I carry it everyday.
That may have been the only good luck I have ever had.
I was stumbling through some brush one night after deer hunting and managed to lose my quiver full of arrows, my release and my patience.
I was a pilot, but we got into a pretty serious firefight on Camp Bastion Sept 14-15 2012. I lost my Benchmade auto while trying to jump over some concertina wire (when you're wearing body armor you don't have quite the "ups" that you have otherwise), but I got tangled up. I got all ripped up trying to get out quickly, haha. In all the commotion I guess it fell out. Luckily, one of my crew chiefs found it and figured out it was mine (I had my initials etched on it). I was glad to get it back, carried it for the rest of the deployment and still have it.
I was returning to the truck once after a day of hiking in the Terry badlands. It had been raining all day and had turned to wet snow. I had to take my glasses off to see and my depth perception goes away without them. I was decending one of those clay ridges and lost my balance while sliding on my 10 pound boots. I fell hard and ended up with my binoculars and my ear jam packed with that greasy clay.
At that point I lost my sense of humor. For a while. Worst thing I have ever lost.

When I got back to the truck I had to change my clothes in a snowstorm before getting in. 1/2 mile later we were out chaining the truck up in that grease. Fun times.

When it rains it pours.
Worst. First in my family to graduate college (at 45 - lol). First in my family to earn an advanced degree. That said, I lost my masters class ring when shaking some fish slime off of my hands from a little dink in Apalachee Bay. Freezing cold and no way I was going in. When it's warm it's full of momma sharks come to pup. We see the same almost 20 foot tiger girl every year and the visibility averages 1' and never gets over about 4'. I'm still not going in after it.

Most common. Knives. I think I've left half a dozen next to gut piles or creeks or on the bait cutting station only to be knocked overboard by yours truly or one of my buddies.

Most memorable. Had an old star bait rod with a left handed ambassadeur 6 series hanging out the side of a fish n ski trolling Inland Lake and a fish took it from my hands. I looked in the water and could see it so I went after it. I got it back, my buddy finally realized I was missing in action and came looking for me and I still had the 3 pound spot on the end of my line. I was not fighting the fish at that point, I was just treading water wondering why my buddy was so slow on the uptake.
Worst. First in my family to graduate college (at 45 - lol). First in my family to earn an advanced degree. That said, I lost my masters class ring when shaking some fish slime off of my hands from a little dink in Apalachee Bay. Freezing cold and no way I was going in. When it's warm it's full of momma sharks come to pup. We see the same almost 20 foot tiger girl every year and the visibility averages 1' and never gets over about 4'. I'm still not going in after it.

Most common. Knives. I think I've left half a dozen next to gut piles or creeks or on the bait cutting station only to be knocked overboard by yours truly or one of my buddies.

Most memorable. Had an old star bait rod with a left handed ambassadeur 6 series hanging out the side of a fish n ski trolling Inland Lake and a fish took it from my hands. I looked in the water and could see it so I went after it. I got it back, my buddy finally realized I was missing in action and came looking for me and I still had the 3 pound spot on the end of my line. I was not fighting the fish at that point, I was just treading water wondering why my buddy was so slow on the uptake.

He probably looked over and saw you were gone and figured...Less competition.Ha!,Ha! :cool:
Got turned around one night while getting a deer our one night. Sat down to collect myself a place a call to somebody to come over and honk the horn so I could find my way out. Well as I stood up, unbeknownst to me, the phone fell out of my pocket. Didn’t realize I lost it until it was too late.

The wife was gracious enough to come back the next morning and help me look. I found it after about 25 minutes. We were both happy as I didn’t have to shell out a bunch of cash cause of a stupid mistake and the wife was happy cause I wasn’t stomping around the house bent as hell anymore

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