What’s the worst item you’ve lost?

I lost a wedding ring in a gut pile one time. It kinda fit loose my wife had replaced the original with this one because the original had been smashed and cut my finger. This one was loose and I didn’t realize it until back at the house washing my hands. Needless to say when I went back the next day the gutpile was gone. Last year I lost a trekking pole in Wyoming set it down to gut a doe mule deer and it got dark couldn’t find it. Looked the next day to no avail. Three days later I see a guy packing out and it looked like my trekking pole. My son went down to visit with him and he found it by my carcass and was using it. My son told him I’d lost one he offered it up, I told him to use it and leave it at the truck as we were parked close to one another.
Lol. I lost my first two wedding rings within the first year of marriage. One in the Clark Fork River(fishing and it was too loose), and the other at the gym(took it off to lift and left it in my short pockets - must've fallen out) . My wife begrudgingly bought me a third. It is tight, and 8 years old now and it pretty much never comes off.
When I was about 7, I went on a scouting field trip to a local duck call factory. At the end of the tour they gave each of us a duck call turned from walnut. I loved that thing. Played with it all the time as a kid. Rediscovered it about 6 years ago and then I actually started duck hunting. It wasn't the best call but I enjoyed having it. Sadly, I tried belly crawling from a clump of cattails to another to get closer to some ducks once and the two halves of the call came apart. Much later I realized I only had one half of it...
Man, there are some horror stories here. Besides a pile of sunglasses and a few knives, I’ve only had close calls on some of the big stuff. The best one being the time I had to swim to my drift boat that was headed downstream in the Deschutes River when I short anchored it on a windy day. It was my first day guiding. My clients were impressed.
Camping at the local lake.In the middle of the night I wake up to a scraping sound.
Finally figured out the sound was a cooler being dragged across gravel.Grabbed my shotgun
unzipped the tent just in time to see a pair of taillights driving away.Cooler Full of Beer!
how did they know which cooler to steal?
I lost a Garmin 62st out on the ice on Lake Superior in some strong blowing snow. I was navigating back to shore, making my way through some bad ice gaps on my old Tundra. Had the GPS on a lanyard around my neck inside my coat to keep the batteries warm. Stopped to get my bearings and it was gone. Tried to turn back and follow my track and got really turned around with the drifting snow and disappearing tracks. Searched all around and didn't find it, and luckily saw some other folks heading out and was able to follow their tracks back to shore. I do not like being on that ice without my bearings, I've seen water open up suddenly without warning when the wind changes.
I keep my GPS tied to my pack. The downfall was that when it came out of the pocket during a long ATV ride back to the truck, my tie string was long enough to bounce along the trail/road. When we got back to the truck it looked like one of Hillary's cell phones...
I lost my wedding ring on a deer hunt. I had rinsed my hands in the snow and was shaking them to get the melted snow off and figured it must have flown off into never never land. I have a weird knuckle on my ring finger from football and that ring always fit loose anyway. Now I have 3 silicone rings that cost me a grand total of $12. My wife was pretty cool about it.

Funny thing is my dad also had a busted knuckle on his ring finger (courtesy of a dumb moment with a lawnmower) and lost his wedding ring in a gut pile about 10 years earlier. Like father, like son.

Did the same thing on an elk hunt. I had the spot on my gps, went back the next summer with a metal detector and found it! I only wear silicone as well these days.
Did the same thing on an elk hunt. I had the spot on my gps, went back the next summer with a metal detector and found it! I only wear silicone as well these days.

Only way to go. I’ve heard too many horror stories about guys losing fingers. 😖
Worst? Probably double barrel 20 ga. - Off brand though so that is a plus. My taxidermist lost pair of wood ducks - drake and female that I took to him.
Did the same thing on an elk hunt. I had the spot on my gps, went back the next summer with a metal detector and found it! I only wear silicone as well these days.
My brother did same thing. Searched, no luck.
Left $500 worth goose decoys at lake one day by mistake. Still there the next day. I love Nebraska! Honest people.
Like an idiot, I used to carry my Swarovski SLC 10 x 40's on the floor board of my truck in the middle beneath the bench seat.

Took the kids to the store and one of them must have swept the binos out the door with their feet when they exited the truck never to be seen again.

Nobody's fault but my own but that one really stung badly. Worst part was I was leaving for Alaska for a bear hunt the next week and had to replace them immediately.

Damn, the wifey was super impressed with that. :(
The only really valuable thing I lost was a $200 rangefinder. I always keep my equipment attached to me now. I've lost a bugle tube and an E-collar transmitter, but found both thanks to OnX maps. I just had to retrace my steps using the track.
Lemme seeee.....worst thing lost...hmmm..... that would be a Ronco pocket fisherman during a nightime catfishin excursion to the local crick with some young buds and "borrowed" beers.
Man yall make me feel not so bad. I dont buy camo knifes any more or wallets. Matter of fact if i care about it i dont take it to the woods. I have spent a entire day looking for my bow. Deer stands and a gun one time.
Last fall I lost the clip on my bear spray. Didn't find out until I was putting gear back in the garage and bumped the trigger. Luckily nozzle was pointed down at the floor, but still ended up with sinuses cleared out.
I lost my wedding ring on the beach two weeks after I got married, wife was not happy, then found it buried in the sand 40 minutes later, wife was happy. Then, spent the next 9 years very cognizant of how loose that ring was on my finger on cold days or when it was wet, I don't know how I never lost it for good. Bought a silicone one a couple months ago that doesn't slip off!
Had 2 guns in a double case slide out of my truck bed. I forgot to put it up, I hunt 2 miles from home. Drove back home, no guns. Put an ad in a local paper, got the guns back two weeks later. Still remember both moments very well.
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