NEW SITKA Ambient 75

What’s the worst item you’ve lost?

lost a canoe while in it on a river. Well I was in it till it tipped. Almost lost the girl friend at the same time. Scary episode and expensive learning opportunity for a guy making crap wages. Fortunately I lost girl friend soon enough anyway albeit in less dramatic fashion than in a raging river.

This aspect might even spike greenhorns and other folks tragedy meter. I lost most of a cooler full of beer at the same time as the canoe.
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Losing your titanium spork on day 1 of 12 is a PITA. But you get good at whittling them from wood.

Now I take a little pink survey paint to the handle to help them stick out.
Lost my favorite ice fishing rod through the ice three different times all in Seminoe Reservoir. Got it back twice, but not the third time. It was destiny I suppose, haha.
I once drove away with my GPS unit sitting on the hood of the pickup. Fortunately I realized it pretty quick, but there was a foot of fresh snow on tthe ground. I looked where I though it probably fell off, but there was no way. I took the opportunity to upgrade after that. Remarkably I went back as soon as the snow melted and found it. Replaced the battery and that silly thing worked. I couldn't believe it. Garmin makes a tough product.
Last summer, on a scouting trip, I was sitting at one of my favorite glassing points when the sun finally came out behind some clouds and got intense. I took my regular glasses off and put on my prescription sunglasses. I was gonna be there a while, so I left my regular glasses on my ball cap... long story short, they fell off my head somewhere along the hike to the next spot... had to drive home in the dark wearing my sunglasses so I could see the road.
I left the house to head out bow hunting deer about 10 miles from my home. I must have left my tail gate open and a rubber maid container with all of my gear slid out somewhere along the way. I had all my camo clothes, hat, gloves, rangefinder, backpack, knife, grunt tube, and everything thing else I would head into the woods with minus my bow and tree stand. I immediately turned around and went back to look for it but someone already grabbed it. I had high hopes of getting back since I had my license in my pack with all my info, but no luck. I also lost a rope that I’ve been pulling guns and bows up into my stand with for the last 20 years. As weird as it sounds I was more pissed about that rope than anything.
I watched my father do a "walk around" before driving off all my early childhood. I implemented his strategy after kansasson loaded his shotgun into the van, but it was not in the guncase. My eye caught the glint of the muzzle in my rearview mirror, and it registered that the gun wasn't cased. Returning in the dark to the load zone, we never found it. I surmise he put it on the roof of the van and it blew off as we drove away.

The cellphone that dropped out of his pocket as he was crawling into position for a turkey ambush was going to hurt a lot more than a Wallyworld guncase. We borrowed a metal detector and calibrated it to read a similar phone. The next day we drove back to the scene of the crime and started sweeping the CRP hoping for a miracle. He found it 35 yards away from where I was using the detector. The overnight thunderstorm hadn't ruined the phone miraculously, but the car tire that ran it over two weeks later finished the job.
Lost a pocketknife rabbit hunting as a kid, have had a few duck decoys drift away, and lost a fishing net.
Ive done this as well, didnt bother me too much though......haha

Will have to admit to being a member of this club. Happened while field dressing an elk. Went back to area with metal detector & could find no trace of the ring. Did find a couple of coins & some spent brass. Not enough to get out of the doghouse for the lost ring....
Not me but my buddy lost his Leopold rangefinder in the breaks while we were chasing a nice mulie around trying to get ahead of him after a near miss. Well 2 miles later and no mulie of coarse he realized he had lost it during all the running and gunning in the sagebrush flats somewhere. We pretty much tried to trace our steps without much luck and got within a half mile of where he knew he had it and there it laid. LOL!!!! Lost but found I guess.
never lost anything but I did loan $400 dollar custom fly rod to my brother for a float trip and he lost it in the river . didn't tell me for months either . waited till I asked about it.
My cousin left a shotgun at a WHMA about a decade ago. Thankfully I've never done anything like that, but I did lose a brand new pair of polarized sunglasses while I was bushwhacking a few weeks ago. That sucked...
Jeez, can't keep up with the reporting spam as fast as they post! It's going to be every thread before long. :mad:
Another BWCA trip - pulled the canoe "plenty far" enough up on the granite that evening. Well, it was windy overnight, and that boat blew back into the lake and drifted away. The first 3 hours of the next day were spent glassing, hiking, and swimming to locate and then make my way back to the boat. With nice weather, cool water, and a lake that wasn't enormous, this was a doable task, but could have easily become a wilderness nightmare under different conditions.
Another BWCA trip - pulled the canoe "plenty far" enough up on the granite that evening. Well, it was windy overnight, and that boat blew back into the lake and drifted away. The first 3 hours of the next day were spent glassing, hiking, and swimming to locate and then make my way back to the boat. With nice weather, cool water, and a lake that wasn't enormous, this was a doable task, but could have easily become a wilderness nightmare under different conditions.

Yeah, no kidding. Glad it wasn't worse.
I just lost a pair of nice Oakley sunglasses out elk scouting this last weekend... Up to that point, I hadn't lost much more than calls, a small knife or two, etc...

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