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What's the longest distance you would hike for an elk?

Based on this thread and its responses, my hunt will go one of two ways:

1. I'm going to be completely alone back there and balls deep in Elk


2. My e-scouting plan is complete crap and I'm going to suffer needlessly

knowing my luck, its #2 🤣
That's alright this spring I had it in my mind that it had to be several miles in, and way up high to kill a bear. I ended up killing one 6 miles back after it finally got green back in there, but when I was talking to other people that hunt the same area, most of them kill their bear 5 or 600 yards off the road in these meadows that green up early in the season.

Needless to say, ill be in those meadows this spring haha
Based on this thread and its responses, my hunt will go one of two ways:

1. I'm going to be completely alone back there and balls deep in Elk


2. My e-scouting plan is complete crap and I'm going to suffer needlessly

knowing my luck, its #2 🤣
one thing to keep in mind is that it can be more crowded way back these days, everyone thinks they need to be way back to get into anything, some of the most overcrowded areas I've been in are 8-10 miles deep... I find steep terrain without trails to be a much better filter for the masses than distance...
one thing to keep in mind is that it can be more crowded way back these days, everyone thinks they need to be way back to get into anything, some of the most overcrowded areas I've been in are 8-10 miles deep... I find steep terrain without trails to be a much better filter for the masses than distance...
Totally agree, I was mostly being funny because I hope I'm alone and not surrounded by people. Nature isn't fun that way
I've killed one elk in my life a cow. I was the last one to fill my tag. Caught the herd on top of a bench and got her when they ran into a saddle, she held back from the herd and no calf with her, The words from the night before still in my ears after we had 1/4 mile drag or so and they dude that knew the area threw out his back and couldn't stand up straight, I know 1/4 isn't much, elk decided that the bottom of the hill was where they die rather than the hillside they were on. To get to that hill was a slimy snow covered nasty slope. This was after I was the lucky one that was voluntold I was gonna be dropped at the bottom of another drainage and climb the just shy of 3500+ feet to where everyone else was jumping out at. ( Love being the bird dogI suggested quartering them, but hey they were "little ones" anyway the words in my ears were, "Dave we had better be able to drive your elk tomorrow, I don't know if I'm gonna be much help to you guys." We drove above her and drug her to the road.

My experience is very limited to packing out critters. I do know that they love to take their dirt naps in some of the nastiest stuff they can find when it comes to something I've hit. My only elk was EASY to get to. I was lucky. Ultimately like others have said it depends on the terrain and how bad do I want to attempt to kill an elk and how good your friends are 🤣 lol.
Archery guys, I know you put on the miles. What about my rifle hunters, how far do you typically have to hike to get a good look at those bulls?

Am I packing it out on foot or horse back? On foot 8 miles or less. Horseback as far as needed.
I have done 4 miles with 2K feet elevation gain. Took me 2.5 days solo, probably the farthest I will go. Unless I see a bull just over the ridge.
I generally get a cow tag to elk hunt and no idea how far I hike. Actually especially these days it isn't far. I'm 76 yrs old and even a mile is a long way the have to move an elk. Generally I find it best to walk in in a spot I can drive into after a kill. For me hunting is about filling the freezer, not proving how much of a man I am!
Depends on the terrain and how much you like elk!. Last year we hiked ugly country to get into the elk. We packed out 4 miles of side hill and skree, don't know if I'd do that again. Most in a day was 8 miles up a draw, which would have been downhill back to the truck.
I generally get a cow tag to elk hunt and no idea how far I hike. Actually especially these days it isn't far. I'm 76 yrs old and even a mile is a long way the have to move an elk. Generally I find it best to walk in in a spot I can drive into after a kill. For me hunting is about filling the freezer, not proving how much of a man I am!
Look at your smart phone. It’ll tell you how far you walked.
Completely terrain and weather dependent. Hot, rugged country, I’m less likely to try to kill an elk deep in fear of losing the meat. Cool/cold temps, I’ll find a way to pack it out or die trying.

It was hot this year with a long pack out. 200 yards with about 5-6’ of elevation gain. Took an hour. 🤣
As others have said, it all depends on terrain and the size of the elk. Packing a calf is much different than packing a big mature bull!
I’ve packed a bull 5 miles with the help of 2 other guys, and it was brutal. The hardest pack out I’ve ever done by far was 3 miles.
Most of mine have been 3 miles or less. Elevation is the real limitation for me and not distance. Going to spike in about 6 miles this season. Might be a bad call but I’d like to try. All of my hunting is with a rifle, so far.
Hard to get too fired up about elk. I took this pic through my scope from the seat of my truck and chose to go watch the Broncos instead.
I've been around here a long time. I honestly don't remember you posting up an elk you shot...I remember a muley or two. ;)

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