NEW SITKA Ambient 75

What will you never take for granted again?

Ok so somewhere around post 57 or 59 I noticed one thing hasn’t changed. Pandemic or no pandemic one thing we haven’t lost is the ability to run a thread that was started with good intentions of not making the same mistake of taking “ normal life “ for granted into the ditch.
Ok so somewhere around post 57 or 59 I noticed one thing hasn’t changed. Pandemic or no pandemic one thing we haven’t lost is the ability to run a thread that was started with good intentions of not making the same mistake of taking “ normal life “ for granted into the ditch.
Noted, @geetar. My apologies. Edited.
People being civil to each other.
Like a few others, I’ve never been a very social person, now that I’m retired, it’s worse.
People just seem to have a give a crap less attitude now. Everything is blamed on COVID now. People are getting tired of this and it shows. They are rude, cranky and very short tempered. Makes my trips out even shorter.
We’ve traveled through all of this insanity and luckily never caught anything.
Please be nice to the people you interact with, even on forums. You never know if you might meet up with them someday.
I notice that several of you are not unhappy with this years "social distancing" rules.

When social distancing is no longer required, you might want to consider making a move;)

We have 70000 moose and 200,000 caribou but only 40000 people in 185000 sq miles and 25000 of those 40000 live in Whitehorse, which I do not, so social distancing has also not affected us, at least in our daily life.

I had an ice accident ( fell thru ) a few years ago and surviving that gave me an entirely new view of my life, my life with my family and the blessings that have been given to me.

It truly did change my life, for the better and I have viewed things much differently since that time. I dont take my life for granted, as I now realize how easily and quickly it could end. And the added plus, is I stop sometimes and look, REALLY look at a beautiful sunset/sunrise, grizzly cubs playing, a smile from a family member. I try to take nothing for granted.
Yukon Canada has an offer I shouldn't take for granted. Might have to think serious about it.😁
Yukon Canada has an offer I shouldn't take for granted. Might have to think serious about it.😁

PLUS --200,000 Caribou wander thru that area each year. However so do approx 6500 Grizzly and 5500 Wolfs o_O

approx 2/3rds of those who have tried it, have made it. Extreme cold, Isolation, too much darkness, too much daylight, no Walmart ;)

p.s. I thought you guys might find this interesting as well. Approx 40% of the "farmers" up here are females. Another interesting tid bit, approx 90% of those who decided the far north was not for them were male.
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Get on a plane. No one will stop you. But be ready to miss a couple weeks' work when you return ... unless you can work from home.

Hunting season is over and there's no way I could get 3 weeks of vacation this fall.

Hopefully it reopens before spring bear/turkey season...
That my grandpa, who was a 50 year machinist who taught me how to use my hands and think through a problem before jumping all in, lived two miles away for 32 years of my life. Talking to him, playing cards with him, or just sitting at their kitchen table having a cup of coffee and talking baseball or fishing. Miss that tremendously. Been 8 years since I have been able to pick up the phone and say " Hey Gramps!". Glad I got to spend 39 years with him.

Pat, your post certainly hit home with me. One of my grandparents passed away this year and I find myself spending much more time with my remaining grandparents and wishing I had done so with her before she passed.

The Rodeos in Texas and Nevada that I enjoy participating in were closed this year and I will appreciate those events a bit more in the future when they open back up.

April, I was shocked when I read your post. Your not an introvert ? 🤣
That I will never be alone in the woods ever again. Have places that only a damn fool would hunt due to extreme conditions getting in and out. Have found more evidence that I was not the only hunter deep in these hell holes. Oh well, good ‘nuff as if I have a heart attack or place my step wrong in a ravine, possibly someone will find my bones.
Guess the best I can hope for is someone hunting my haunts and will carry out their trash as has been my mantra these many years.
Take nothing for granted. This ain’t the world of the mountain men.