What to do


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Aug 14, 2013
Billings, MT
So the time has come for me to rethink my hunting. I knew my wife never cared for me doing it but I told her if I was forced to quit, I would be gone quicker than she could blink. And that was that. Fast forward 8 or so years. We have two awesome kids. They are my everything and I would do anything for them as most parents should for their kids. My son was diagnosed a couple years ago with EoE which in short causes inflammation in his esophagus and stomach and in the long term can cause more issues. The inflammation is caused by certain foods. We had to take him off all mammalian type meats (beef, pork, lamb, and of course wild game) thus rendering my need for hunting to feed my family a solid 0... Ive been hunting for 20 years now. My wife does not want the meat in the house whatsoever. I am scrambling. I am not much of a bird hunter but they never took him off bird. I crave the adventure and love to eat what I bring home from the prairies, river bottoms, and mountains. I am not re-thinking my stance on just hunting for the love of it and horns now. I do not care to hunt for just that at the moment. Ya that is an added bonus and such. But the meat and BBQ'ing burgers and steaks is what drove me to fill tags. I know I can feed others with the animals I bring home as I have plenty of friends and family that would love it. But the decision to stop what I have invested so much into keeps cropping up in my mind. I had dreams of bugling bulls and have yet to even tag one. I dream of the big 3 and maybe even a grizzly someday in Montana. But without the need for me to bring anything home anymore... I am torn the choice I have in front of me. It has been my passion. Now it seems to be hanging in the balance.
That is too bad my advise bud is to keep hunting if your heart desires and donate to the hunters for the hungry and feed someone less fortunate than you. Also there are always fine elderly folks who love wild game but can't physically make the trips that love it when someone stops by with a deer processed or needing worked up.
Why stop? Give the big game meat to friends and/or family.

Get a bird dog, and you'll quickly find the satisfaction that one gets from watching a loyal friend and partner work for you. It's even more rewarding if you invested the time to train the dog. I love to hunt big game, but I find incredible satisfaction and renewal in a day of wandering the God-forsaken slopes of Hell's Canyon looking for chukars. Watching my dog work out a late season rooster or make a great retrieve on a mallard isn't bad either.
Man, that's a tough one. First off, sorry about your son and his troubles. That alone is a heavy weight on your shoulders. Having his mother trying to protect him even more by not allowing any meat in the house is another. I'm guessing you have friends and neighbors that enjoyed your cookouts of what you have killed in the past? Maybe you could continue hunting, both for the enjoyment as well as all the investment in gear you have, and give away any harvests to those friends and neighbors. In return, they could invite you over when they have a cookout so you could enjoy a good meal with them. Fish and birds only go so far, a guy needs a good steak or a juicy burger now and then!
I'm sorry about your son man. I don't know if you have looked into it (I have no experience in that realm) but I did have a roommate who was allergic to poultry and would swell up if he had anything that had chicken or turkey in it, even just a little hot wing sauce off a plate of chicken. But he was able to eat wild foul like pheasant and grouse, he never got brave enough to try a wild turkey I shot but it could be that your son would not have a reaction to wild game. I am not saying to "experiment" with your son cause that would be considered irresponsible but maybe look into it that it may be the domestic breed that he is having reactions to.

Good luck and keep hunting man it's the only thing that can keep us sane sometimes
1. does your son enjoy being outdoors? 2. what about your other child?

if you can take them then by all means keep hunting

if you can't maybe mentor another youth (or even an adult that wants to hunt but never had the opportunity) so you can still be apart of the hunt, get your time outdoors, and help others

by all means, you have invested the expensive part into the hunt: gear. so you minus well keep taking your rifle for a walk just for your own mental state
Keep hunting. Maybe choose a different weapon like a camera perhaps? Seeing how close you can get, sharing pictures with your family about each picture can still bring about stories and a good time I would imagine. Maybe other hunting buddies can lean on you with your scouting while hunting with a camera ha ha.

Everybody needs an outlet. Something that not everybody has to understand, but one you yourself truly enjoy. Hunting seems to be a huge part of your life. Adapting to change is how we all survive this crazy world.
I too have had to radically overhaul my hunting style and goals because of medical issues with my son. Yes, meat is important, but not my primary motivation for hunting. I hunt in order to have hunted. The hunt itself is the goal. You gotta feed your soul as well as your body, and hunting is how I do that. That said, I have had to limit/change my outings to adapt to the needs on the home front. I hunt closer to home, with fewer extended stays. I hope that changes someday, but for now it's got to be that away. Also I've picked up fly fishing -- my son isn't healthy enough for hunting, but loves to fish. So now I fish and have come to enjoy it. The change has been difficult, but part of life I guess. Good luck and get outside!
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