Caribou Gear

What to do if deer blows at you?


New member
Jun 17, 2017
Last time I went deer hunting a doe busted me from about 50 yards away. She stood there and blew a few times, stomped once, and then turned around and walked off. I just froze and I didn't know what to do. Is there a calling sequence or a strategy that I should use if a deer blows at me again?
There's not much you can do. You could do nothing, you could blow back at the deer, or maybe give a grunt or doe bleat. And then hope there aren't any other deer within ear shot of where the doe blew.
While archery hunting we had a doe come in from an unexpected direction and she was about 20 yards behind my brother and she just stood there snorting and stomping a hoof till he threw a rock at her.
There is no point in 'freezing', you are busted, get that gun up and shoot, they might run, if they do give a bark (that's what i do in the UK) often they will stop and look back, damn i even confused one once that had run off, I ran after it, got my deer!
If it was pitch black out and the deer was about 10 yards away you could always scream like a little girl, and then wonder if you were having a heart attack. At least that's what I did when I was 14 and it happened to me under those circumstances.