Caribou Gear Tarp

What to do: dealing with a a-hole


Active member
Jul 21, 2017
Baxter, MN
Hi All, typing this out I just feel discouraged to hit the bow woods, I already spread myself thin with bird hunting, but this is the time of year I like to get out.

I've been hunting some public land (not that big but plenty of deer and space for 4 guys) down the road from my house, had a camera next to my stand since early September.

I checked it early October, let it sit for 3 weeks, then go back to check it to find the SD card and camera was off. I was grateful this guy didnt steal my cam, but still pissed he took my card. So I wrote a nice note, I didnt put any foul language or threatening phrases in there, I stated thank you for not taking the camera, but I would like my card back, erased is just fine.
I had 2 thoughts on why he did this, one being he was pissed his pic was taken or now what I really think his reasoning, hes trying to discourage from being in "his" spot.

So I head out early Saturday morning around 1 hour before legal shooting time and noticed a truck parked at the spot already, I himmed and haughed about still going to my stand as he could have been further down but decided to give the guy some space and went elsewhere.
Turns out he was hunting out there all weekend, well I take the dog down there during lunch today to see where his stand was as I could determine if I was too close, I couldnt find his stand and its not that wide of an area, just a long strip, then I go to check if he's read my note and I could tell he did as it was folded differently --no returned SD card.

I then climb up my stand to see if he put it there, nothing besides a bloodied knock he put on my stand just as a final F-Off. At this point now i Know he doesnt want me there. I really just want to pull the stand, let him win and move it elsewhere...

what would you guys do, just move out and not deal with the mess?
Take down the plate number. Keep a log of what has been happening and call the game warden. If he is doing these things to you he's probably doing other illegal activities. They will watch his ass and bust him for something and hopefully solve your problems.
hunt diligent about arriving early. It's not his to control

if you're concerned about him being confrontational be sure to take note of the vehicles you encounter and document any questionable behavior. Also since you're on public I would make sure my stand had my information physically attached in multiple spots because your stand could go missing. Take the camera down as it's not doing you any good or as SD_prairie_goat suggested hide a second camera the watches your stuff.
My guess is one day he'll piss off the wrong person and that'll be the end of that deal for him.

If it's in city limits and he just happens to get 3 flat tires at least he doesn't have far to walk.

Probably not worth it though unless you're on a metropolitan slammer.
you could get creative and start making weird ritual settings around your tree stand. Maybe sacrifice a game bird? Make it as satanic as possible.

One of two things will happen. Dude will either never come back. or start doing rituals with you. If the latter happens, id move on somewhere else lol. Gotta gauge the kind of crazy your dealing with.
I had something similar happened on private land. One day I found him sitting in my stand. Because he had already stole stuff from me, I told him I didn’t want my tree pegs stolen too. I proceeded to climb the tree with him still in my stand and I took out every single tree peg on my way down. Telling him the whole time I was really partial to them and was sorry for disturbing his evening sit. To this day I wonder how he got down the 20 feet. I never had a problem with theft after that.
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I had something similar happened on private land. One day I found him sitting in my stand. Because he had already stole stuff from me, I told him I didn’t want my treat pegs stolen too. I proceeded to climb the tree with him still in my stand and I took out every single treat peg on my way down. Telling him the whole time I was really partial to them and was sorry for disturbing his evening sit. To this day I wonder how he got down the 20 feet. I never had a problem with theft after that.
Today’s daily winner of the internet award for this post.
I had something similar happened on private land. One day I found him sitting in my stand. Because he had already stole stuff from me, I told him I didn’t want my treat pegs stolen too. I proceeded to climb the tree with him still in my stand and I took out every single tree peg on my way down. Telling him the whole time I was really partial to them and was sorry for disturbing his evening sit. To this day I wonder how he got down the 20 feet. I never had a problem with theft after that.
I was going to suggest taking his steps out while he wasn’t there, but if he’s in it that’s even better!

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