What is the temperature's affect on the elk rut?

PaJay 1962

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I've hunted elk a few times, but in October with the rifle and not during the rut. I'm heading to western CO late next week with the muzzleloader. I just checked the temperatures in Rifle, CO (nearest town), and they're predicting highs around 80 each day and high 40's at night. Elevation in the mountains we'll be in is between 8500 and close to 10,000 feet.

1. What affect will this have on the elk rut?
2. Will they be active at night and lay down at first light?
3. Should I concentrate on north slopes and dark timber?
4. Will the elk say "**** the temperatures, the heat is on?!"
5. Suggestions on how to hunt them at this time in these conditions?

Let me see if I can answer your questions for you. Side note, Rifle is only at 5300'. I bet it maybe gets into the 70's during the hottest part of the day up on top (10K), with 60's more than likely. It will probably rain most afternoons as well, maybe even hail/light snow.
1) If it is hotter than normal, it can definitely slow things down, especially in the afternoon.
2) Most definitely, but they can go to water to in the middle of the day.
4) Depends, I have seen higher than normal temps slow things down. Especially during the day.
5) follow what you wrote in 2 and 3, and find water.

Also, stay out all day, and don't forget to have some fun and enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery in the west. I'm jealous, I only get to hunt the last 4 days of muzzy this year, rather than the whole 9 days. It just doesn't sit right with me leaving my 7 mo pregnant wife home alone for that long...lol and yes she is a saint..
Thanks for helping with the sanity check! I've seen aerial shots of water around the drilling pads - do the elk have access to that water and use it? In PA, water near drilling pads is fenced off.

Sounds like you have a very understanding wife, just like mine. Been a while since we had young ones, but I remember those days as they weren't that far back. Now I get to go out with my 2 daughters hunting - nothing like watching the faces on the boys and young men when they see a 5'1" girl with a nice buck!
During the early archery season where they arent quite rutting or active yet (still bugling but not as much) It seems like you'll wait on one day where something happens with the weather. Be it cold, or rain even and then things get good.

North slopes...absolutely. In the morning they'll be bugling then before you know it they shut up and are back to bed.
Do 90 degree days stop your hormones? Enough said.
I have had elk bugling all day long in 90 degree days. It's mostly all about if cows are in heat!
Do Arizona and New Mexico elk rut less because it is warmer down there? I think not.
Here is alittle something I have noticed after decades of hunting elk with my bow. Many people think the rut does not start until mid to late September. Yet people who scout the last week of August before most seasons open will tell you they saw bulls with cows bugling and rutting! Then the first week of September hits and it is fairly quite. Then is ramps up again from about the 20-25. Then the rut is over according to some. Wrong! It ramps up again about mid October when people say they were still bugling during rifle season. Why? The first estrus cycle is toward the end of August typically, then 25 days later, then 25 days later. That is the general cycle. Sure you have cows that don't cycle with the rest, but most cycle together. Dad's with a bunch daughters know what I am taking about.

Sure elk are more active in cooler temperatures, but that is not hormone related. But warmer temps do not in my experience change the rutting behavior of a bull. If there is a cow that is ready to be bread in 90 degree temps he will bread her.
So the question is really are the cows in heat in the area? If not hunting tactics will change. You have to hunt according to what the elk are doing.
I feel sorry for you guys. I'm single, but young. So I'll feel your pain soon enough.

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