Caribou Gear

What do you wish hunting had?


Active member
May 26, 2015
This is a very broad and open ended question. But what is something you wish you had available (gear, service, etc.) as far as hunting goes? Whether a service, an improvement in specific gear. What improvements out there would make your hunting experience better? I get this is a very open ended question.
No gear changes, as I would be fine with a massive restriction across hunting technologies.

An easy answer is more time, as there is always more hunting to do than time.

My initial thought was "private land of my own on a large scale". I value public land greatly, but more and more I despise the other people aspect of hunting. I'd rather hunt in a place void of game and people, than hunt in a place filthy with desirable critters but also a bunch of talking monkeys.

But realistically, I am about 4 years and over a $1,000 into trying to find a pair of boots that I love and that love my feet back, and I haven't found them yet. When I do find my one true love, I'll stick with em till death do us part.
In CO, mandatory reporting and lose points if you hunt an A tag period!

Speaking from someone who just picked up a 10 point tag off the reissue list. I would happily give up my 4 points.