Caribou Gear Tarp

What do you see when you go outside?


New member
Dec 19, 2003
St. Ignatius,MT
This is what I saw outside my place this morning. I saw six whitetail, two Toms and one Jake, a half dozen canadians, about twenty green heads and two roosters. Oh and of course the buff herd up on the range. I'm surprised I have'nt seen any bear yet and with the trash can still in place I guess they are'nt around yet. :D
Let's see - my dog came running up to me as I left this morning. How did she get out? The gate was shut when I put her back...did someone let her out, or try to get in the backyard to break in? She did kill another possum in the front yard this time, though. The probably-illegal immigrants were starting their mowers througout the neighborhood, as 7 AM is the earliest the gardeners can start.

The weather is great, though, and they are re-surfacing the street in front of my house on Monday, so the temporary "No Parking" signs are going up.
I walked out this morning and saw it was a beautiful day...almost 50 degrees. The trees are starting to bud up, nad the gas company is digging up the street in front of the house. Thanks guys.
Well; on the porch is an old water heater; off to the right is an old couch; in front is a broke down riding mower ; and where there should be a walkway there is mostly dog crap!
What must be about a dozen kids running around (not all mine BTW), various skateboards, jumpropes, balls, and a couple of big wheels. Oh and the 2 year old from next door who keeps asking where my cat is (I only have a dog, but he mixes up those words)
Let's see. This morning I went out and saw it was staerting to rain. I saw lots of very dirty and gravel filled snow piles left fom a winter of plowing. I could not see the mountains today because of the low cloud cover. I did not see the moose at the end of the road today, only sagebrush.
Mojave, Laughin my ass off. The little kid lives next to us, keeps asking my wife were her DAD is he means ME. She loves that.
Directly out my front door I see the red rocks of Sedona. To the left I see Black and Casner Mtns. Out my back door I'm looking right at Mingus Mtn and usually about a dozen or so gambel quail..........
Well when I left this morning it was dark.... I had to be at work at 5:00 am so I had to leave at 4:00. I was overcast after yesterdays rain then I saw a racoon, oppossum, and a few cats.....missed the cats with the truck again (darn)
Right now I am looking out at more of the dirty snow piles, an old buckrail fence, a few large spruce trees and an occassional magpie to tease my dog. The grey with clouds which hide the mountains. The aspens in the yard are budding.
AZ402, I always figured when you look outside you see Johnny dogs butt as he bails house down the street. ;) By the way I caught two more largemouth yesterday both went about 2 and a half. Leave it to a AZ boy to sniff out bass in western Montana!
A sea of houses...Every where I look, there is a sea of houses....
That's better than a pile of Canadians I suppose though.... :eek: ;) :D