What did I hook? Turtle, carp, big foot?????


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Out in north/central WY on one of the bigger lakes in the area. Fishing in a cove, caught several 10-12 inch rainbows in there, while casting at one spot I hooked "something", no clue....

About 10 minutes before this hookup, wife and I saw a big fish jump out of the water, straight up, looked like he went after a small bird. He actually did this twice. Looked bronze in color, probably 24-30inches at least. I swapped the spinner out for a jig with plastic swimmer on it. About 10 casts later SOMETHING grabbed it.

When it first took it and I set the hook, it took line off the drag, so it was moving and had that "pulsing" feeling like a fish. I fought it in a bit, but then it just STOPPED. Felt like I was on a rock or log. I pulled as hard as I dared (6 lb test). After a minute we pulled anchor and went over to it. It never moved and now we were right above it in about 12 feet of water. From right above I pulled again as hard as I dared, it moved, a bit, then locked down again. this happened twice. One more pull as hard as I could (thinking I might be on a log?) and it suddenly let go and we pulled in the jig, something had messed up the plastic, but not to bad.

So the question is, what the heck did I hook? Only time I've ever had this happen was a snapping turtle, but he broke/cut the line.

Our thoughts where: turtle, carp or something that got under a log (the bottom was very sandy and no obstructions that we could see), water had almost no visibility. I have never caught, or even really seen, a carp. I've caught lots of bass and they never did anything like this (and would have to be a monster)

Curious minds want to know.....
Any chance he took you into a snag? Buddy had a similar experience last night catching white bass. Something big hit it and took it down. Turned out to be a foul hooked carp that took him into some sunken brush. Finally worked it out of there and landed him, but it was a weird fight that only made sense after landing the fish.
If I could only know what the lunkers were that snapped my line once in a blue moon when hitting bluegills with 6 lb test...
I experienced almost exactly the same thing once in NW MT while out with the family catching little fish. Only my hook did not release and the fish just slowly rose to the surface. Ended up being an extremely large northern that didn't even know that he was hooked.
My guess is a carp as well. One evening fishing for trout I waded out into deep water, casting underneath some overhanging brush and hooked into something big. When I saw I had foul hooked a beaver that was now swimming straight to me, my first thought was, 'what are those teeth going to feel like when he bites me?' Luckily, the hook pulled out of his thick hair and he just swam on by.
I experienced almost exactly the same thing once in NW MT while out with the family catching little fish. Only my hook did not release and the fish just slowly rose to the surface. Ended up being an extremely large northern that didn't even know that he was hooked.
I was also going to suggest pike. I have had them hit and then go down and basically sit where you can’t move them at all. Feels like you are stuck on a rock and then a long time later you can slowly start bringing them in.
The fish you saw jumping sounds like a carp but I have never heard of carp hitting a jig. So I'm going with a submerged Big Foot.
💥 🐟
Chupacabra with Carp breath and Turtle feet.

Carp spawning season,hunt the shallows with your bow.HUNGOVER.jpg
Maybe I am doing it wrong. Do folks usually swim with their dingaling out?

Caribou Gear

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