What are your thoughts


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin
on having alcohol at hunting camps or trips.I guess I am against it as I dont have much interest in sharing a hunting trip with people that do.
Big difference between having a sundowner in the evenings to relax VS being falling down drunk.

That said, I rarely even have a cocktail in the evenings while hunting.
I like to celebrate with a beer after I punch my tag! Or if I'm hunting with someone that just punched their tag. I don't think there is ever a time a beer tastes better!!

Beer also helps you to sleep those nights you can't sleep because of missed opportunities that happened that day. :)
Depends on the situation. I like to enjoy a nice adult beverage after a hard day of hunting and after the chores are done for the day. I think too often getting drunk is the reason people "hunt" lots of guys out here driving around with a beer open "hunting".

I don't like those hunting camps where everyone wakes us hung over and they start drinking again by noon. Not my kind of hunting and as I almost always have my kid with me it is not something he is really okay with either.

It depends. I've no objection to having a beer after the hunt and the day's work is done. I don't mix alcohol and firearms for the same reason that I don't mix alcohol and power tools. I've no use for a good ole boy camp where we drink half the night and try to hunt hungover.
on having alcohol at hunting camps or trips.I guess I am against it as I dont have much interest in sharing a hunting trip with people that do.

A beer or two after the hunt, sitting around the fire, sure. That said, we had a pint of schnapps and a 4 pack of cold smoke in elk camp, and ended up leaving 10 days later with all 4 beers, and 1/2 the pint of schnapps.

I'm a poor enough hunter that I don't need liquor to make me worse.
Nothing wrong with a cocktail in the evening. That said I'd rather hunt in a dry camp than guys who want to party in camp. Now after making a trip to the meat locker in town, that is a different story...
I always take beer with me on hunting trips that last for several days. Nothing better than having a cold one after a full day hiking Montana wilds. It's the only thing that cuts that slurge slim in the back of the throat that builds up, all day from breathing heavy. It's not about getting drunk.
I think it depends on the hunt, but I can't say that I've ever really got drunk on a hunt, and I rarely drink at all during a hunt, I can do that at home.

On my sheep hunt last fall, I packed 8oz of Crown in, only to dump it out 8 days later for the hike back.
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I always carry a flask and enjoy a little nip while taking a break on a rock somewhere with a great view. My small flask usually lasts all season. It doesn't take much alcohol to start displacing water in your system and when hiking and sweating the way I do I need all the water I can get. As for the boozers in camp I'm all for it the more they drink the longer it takes to get going in the morning and the fewer people I have to worry about.
That's a little harsh. As long as those who are drinking are responsible about it, who cares? The only time I make it a point not to drink is when I'm hunting with my buddy who is a recovering alcoholic. I would probably also hold off on the beers if I was hunting with someone who was opposed to drinking because of religious reasons. Other than that, I don't see how drinking in the middle of woods is anymore dangerous than drinking at home. I'm surrounded by guns at both places and I'm not real big on spotlighting, so my gun doesn't get fired a whole after the sun goes down.
Big difference between having a sundowner in the evenings to relax VS being falling down drunk.
Perzactly. I have no problems with someone have a drink or 3 at the end of the day. Do so myself on occasion, but don't have to. I will say I don't mind sharing a bottle with some good pards at the end of a hard and successful hunt. Then again I'm teetotally against teetotaling...
I might carry a pint in my gear for a year. (including summer camping). At the end of a day hunting, along with my other gourmet meals (dinty moore beef stew, hormel chili) I kinda like a beverage to match. Something besides Lemonade. If I don't have booze, life's good, if I do, that's ok, too. I'd not hunt with people who hunt as an excuse, I'm just lucky I've discovered that in advance before I've spent the time involved in hunting with them.
I am with the majority of people here it sounds like. I don't mind having 1 or 2 at night after hunting but most days don't end up having any. A beer around the campfire with some good friends can be a great way to end the day though.
I have learned to accept the efficacy of moderate self medication in deer camp...partake even less in the elk hills. What my buds do is their business....unless it spoils the fun.
I have been on hunts where much too much alcohol has been consumed. Where during this action stupid things occured. I left when I could get away without bad interaction. At this point if a prospectivehunting partner has this in mind he hunts without me. Won't tollerate this nonsense from anyone any longer. Alcohol and hunting do not mix. IMHO only! MTG
Have no problem with it. We always have a cooler(s) at camp stocked with beer. Sometimes we get into it sometimes we don't. Usually too tired, just change clothes, eat, re-pack and go to bed. Might sip on one or two while doing that. Other times we've tied one on pretty good at the fire. Changes every night. Either way, as long as your not drinking before or during the hunt and the firearms are put away- have fun.
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