What are you reading?

"American Sniper" by Chris Kyle. Just finished "Service" by Marcus Luttrel. Next up is "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen.

Condolences, Ben, although I've been reading some of that stuff myself lately. Definitely not good bedtime reading. Although the tax stuff might bring on sleep, there's better choices...
Speaking of favorites, though, hands down mine is Ivan Doig's "Dancing at the Rascal Fair". His other books are good, but that one is a work of art. The only book I know of that starts and ends with a drowned horse. Of course it doesn't hurt that most of it takes place up in our old stomping grounds along the Front, in fact right down the creek from some of my parent's best friends' ranch. He calls Dupuyer "Gros Ventre", and changes a few other names, but there's no mistaking where he's talking about...
I'm a big Montana history buff, and have been a voracious reader my whole life (just about!), but that one is a masterpiece.
1. Odyssey
2. Anna Karenina
3. War and Peace
4. Don Quixote
5. The Great Gatsby
6. Pride and Prejudice
7. The Lord of the Flies
8. On the road
9. The Old Man and the Sea
10. The Alchemist
11. Middlemarch
12. 1984
13. The Adventures of Huck Finn
14. The Brothers Karamazov
15. The Canterbury Tales
16. Crime and Punishment
17. Great Expectations
18. Madame Bovary
19. Moby Dick
20. To Kill a Mockingbird
21. The Catcher in the Rye
22. Howard's End
23. A Farewell to Arms
24. The Grapes of Wrath
25. A Tale of Two Cities
My personal list would exclude almost all of those I have read from this list, they were THAT unenjoyable. I'd have included such classics as: The Idiot, The Red Badge of Courage, Johnny Tremaine and a dozen more....
CJ Box and Vince Flynn series have taken up most of my print reading time for the last little bit. I like series of books with a good main character and each of these have that in spades.
Mountain Men and the Paths to the Pacific by Utley. This day and age, we aint tough anymore, but those guys were the real deal.
Finally finished the new edition of the best selling book in history. I've finished a couple of books of the old addition but I am far from done. :D
Just finished:

Meateater by Steve Rinella
American Buffalo by Rinella
The Road by Cormac Mcarthy

Currently working on:

No country for old men by Cormac Mcarthy

Great thread! I have several books from reomendations of this thread.
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