What am I doing wrong?

Jon Boy

Nov 15, 2011
Clyde Park, MT
For the 2nd summer in a row I can't seem to locate any elk at all. Ive been all over the beartooths and parts of the crazies trying to find them. Ive taken 2 back packing trips deep into the mnts, and 2 truck trips and havent seen one single elk. Some people keep telling me im trying to hard and that may be the case. I try and find places that have ample water and thick timber with meadows mixed as far away from the road as possible.
What do you guys' look for in elk habitiat? What do you think im doing wrong? Should I just keep moving until I get on them?
All I can suggest is make sure you are looking early morning and late evening. Between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm you should be fishing or doing something else because that is when elk seem to go invisible this time of year.
Are you finding any tracks or milk duds?
You just have to look in the right places...


Hard to miss in Yellowstone. :)
For the 2nd summer in a row I can't seem to locate any elk at all. Ive been all over the beartooths and parts of the crazies trying to find them. Ive taken 2 back packing trips deep into the mnts, and 2 truck trips and havent seen one single elk. Some people keep telling me im trying to hard and that may be the case. I try and find places that have ample water and thick timber with meadows mixed as far away from the road as possible.
What do you guys' look for in elk habitiat? What do you think im doing wrong? Should I just keep moving until I get on them?

Do you have binos?
All I can suggest is make sure you are looking early morning and late evening. Between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm you should be fishing or doing something else because that is when elk seem to go invisible this time of year.
Are you finding any tracks or milk duds?

Yah I see some tracks and sign here and there nothing real significant yet.
When I go scouting I could care less if I'm seeing tons of elk. Instead I look for signs of them being there especially during the rut. Look for areas with lots of rubs not just a few. if you find a area that is pounded with old and newer ones then I'd be back during bow season. Look well worn elk trails to and from areas. Look for wallows even if they aren't being used right now. but rubs to me are more important than anything.

Not bad advice by looking real early and real late in the day and use binos ;)
When I go scouting I could care less if I'm seeing tons of elk.

I'm in the same camp as Lawnboy, even though I live in a place seemingly erected (careful, boys) from Dante's imagination and hardly have the chance to get into elk country. And when I have my boys with me, they WANT to see elk or I'm going to get an earful. We just got back from 2 evenings and 1 morning of scouting for my archery hunt and only saw 7 elk--all cows and calves--but I was still encouraged by what I saw in the 3 areas we checked. Saw more turkeys than elk!

One spot had great glassing opportunities but a bear was sounding off close by. My boys were nervous about hiking back to the truck in the dark, with so many media reports of people getting swiped at by bears in AZ this summer, so we bailed before the magic hour. Sign was decent but not particularly heavy so we headed to a higher elevation that night.

Spot #2 had a ton of fresh sign but the only elk we encountered busted from its bed where we couldn't see it--only heard it crashing its way out. Bunch of rubs, some really nice trails and water that's getting pounded. That's where I set my first ever trail cam (probably end up with a bunch of upside pictures) because I know they're in there even if I didn't see them.

Spot #3 also had a ton of fresh sign, but not many good glassing opps. That's where we saw the cows and calves--some bedded, some feeding out after 5:30. Too bad the storm that rained over us the whole time blotted out the sun by 6 or so.

Bottom line is seeing them now won't do thing 1 for me in September.
Bottom line is seeing them now won't do thing 1 for me in September.

Seeing elk and being in elk country is doing good for your heart/head now though. Just verifying that there are elk in the general vicinity helps build confidence that they will be around when the pack includes the tag and the weapon of choice this fall. Cool that you are getting out with the kids in tow. Well done Dad!.
Sounds like im doing everything right just need to keep hammering. I try and find the highest vantage point and glass from before its light till it starts to heat up. Then I move on to another area. The last time i back packed into the crazies I hit big snow drifts about a mile or 2 before tree line and all of the elk sign was down lower where it was really thick and not many places to glass(june 17). Maybe my next trip will be back up to tree line there. Yesterday I was at tree line in the beartooths and all I saw was sheep, goats, and some moose on the way out.
I didn't notice if you mentioned hunting in the rut or not. I like to head out at about 0430 . Once I get into an area I think there are elk, I'll throw a locator call out and see if I get an answer. If nothing I keep moving not calling again until i've moved out of the area. Over calling will ruin a hunt. Another thing that assures me there is elk, and it happens almost every time (if you're working the wind right) you'll smell them before you see them. good luck and I hope you get something this year
saw 30 head yesterday,,mostly cows and calves but a couple of small bulls with them,,keep looking,,they are there somewhere
Get above 7000 ft.

I imagine if your at the highest glassing point in the Crazies your over 7000 ft... But I wouldn't say that's necessarily the answer. I've spent most of my elk hunting time there the last few years and have probably found just as many elk down lower as up around the treeline.
Yeah my experience last couple years in the Crazies is the elk are all over elevation wise. I also didn't realize so many guys are hunting in there. Good luck and keep at it. I might be hiking around there this weekend.

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