Well here it is....


New member
Jul 23, 2005
Finally got these pics from my dad and scanned them. He isn't as big as I thought. F&G said he was the biggest they seen come out of the area, they figured it scored around 170". What do you experienced folks on here think?Nice sheep anyways, 37.5" curl with 15.75" bases. The hunt was kinda interesting, if I have time I'll share the story later. Well enjoy!


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Well to start off with my dad isn't the one that got the ram, the other guy did. He is a good friend of ours and it took him 35 years to get this tag, my dad just new the area and went with him. The guy is 70 years old and couldn't walk a whole lot so they spent most of the time glassing and watching a heard of ewes. They seen a lot of 3/4 curl rams, but this guy wanted a big one. There was road construction going on in the area and the workers had some of the sheep named. The day he got his sheep they were watching the ewes and then spotted 3 nice rams that were above them looking down, about 300 yrds off the road. They put the one he got to bed and passed on him, and continued down the road. About a half our later he decided that was a bad decision and went back, with glares from all the road workers. This time the three rams were with the ewes about 100 yrds off the road. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to shoot him or not and finally my dad talked him into it. He made a 70 yrd shot and he went out of sight looking like he wasn't hit. The other sheep came out below and he wasn't with them. My dad spent 40 minutes looking for him till he finally found him wedged in the crack in the first picture. They threw him on a tarp and two other guys helped them pack him out, the whole 70 yards to the road.:) Well when they were leaving one of the road workers said you shot Ed (can't remember the real name they said) but you get the point. And then one of them said it's like shooting fish in a barrel. My dad just said it was easier than that and they went on their way. Obviously the hardest part of the hunt was drawing the tag. He was happy with the ram he got, especially when the F&G said it was the biggest they've seen come out of the area by a hunter.
Sounds like the only thing missing was a pair of flip flops.
BigBux...don`t take this wrong... but you said "not as big as I thought" Dude Are you kidding ... thats a great sheep!..hump . A once in a lifetime where I come from....You Montana Guys are Spoiled.. yes I`m jealous... Good Job congrats to you and your father:)
cjcj- the fish and game said that sheep would only score about 170, that's why I thought it was bigger when I first seen it. Maybe they're full of shit, I need to get a tape on it. This was a once in a lifetime ram, it took our friend 35 years to draw the tag.

P.S. I like being spoiledhump
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