Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wear Your Seatbelt

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
I'm sure there are LEOs and others on here who deal with this more than they wished they would, but this weekend ended in horror for my family.

A truck pulling a trailer directly in front of us began to fishtail and flipped, rolling the truck. The driver was ejected. My wife called 911 and I ran up to the scene, and it was over and it was awful.

There are all sorts of reasons to wear seatbelt: For you, your family, your friends, etc. But also, for the children in the truck behind you who shouldn't be exposed to something so terrible as a visible highway fatality.

I'm gonna be driving a bit slower for a while, and am thinking of our first responders who themselves aren't the victims, but who deal with tragedy on the regular and how hard that might be.
The commercials are all over montana radio- "What's your reason for wearing your seatbelt?"
Sorry you had to witness that, Nameless.
I am sorry to hear of that. I am a walking testimonial for wearing seat belts. If not for a wearing a seat belt, while in a 70mph impact that sent my truck end over end down the freeway, I would not be here today. Thankfully I emerged with only a permanently messed up left wrist, a few gashes, and a right shoulder that will never be the same. Far better outcome than you witnessed and what one would have expected by the looks of my truck.

To any who don't wear a seatbelt, please start doing so.

I too would not be here without a seat belt. Flipped 6 times and hit a couple of trees. Walked away without a scratch. The lady who first showed up couldn't believe all 3 of us were alive
Wear your seat belt do not text and drive I lost a cousin didn't have seat belt on . I lost a good friend to texting and driving he was the passenger and sleeping from what they figured happened in accident. I drive 65 on the interstate. I work in traffic and see close calls and stupid act every day. People in a hurry or don't give a crap about anything but what they are doing. On interstate last year car came by my brothers rig on wrong side of traffic cones and warnings his door was open ripped it right of truck buckle up don't text and slow down just a little could make a huge difference.
Have always worn them except when patroling a CG or just moving a vehicle around on a job. Only a couple trucks I have owned did not have belts.
I wear them on my local dirt roads with nobody around, usually.
An article in the local paper reminded locals of how many here never wear them just running down the road to mailbox ,to town,etc and how many EMS calls are for our neighbors involved in accidents.And how many were not wearing seat belts.
There has been 2 multiple fatality accidents,one involving two little kids recently. Not only was mom not wearing one, her babies were thrown out. They have no mom now and are still fighting for their lives.
I was wondering how many of us here do not bother when hunting/driving FS rds? Local dirt gravel roads?
Disclaimer.....I was EMT-II for 12 yrs and saw more than enough.....just in the parks ,let alone on the roads.
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It's been almost 20 years since I lost my brother. It was completely avoidable if he had been wearing his seatbelt. There was a State Trooper following him that saw the whole thing unfold. I think about him often as I am hunting or fishing. As I sit alone in the woods with just my thoughts, all the things I would of like to of shared with him.

Wearing the seatbelt isn't just for you, it's for everyone. Even those you have yet to meet.
I always wear mine, always have and always will, so do all my kids and wife. We can own guns for personal protection I hear it all the time, but I'll bet statistics prove a seat belt will will do more to protect you and your loved ones than the former. Buckle up please!
Seat belts and properly installed/utilized baby/toddler seats is a big deal in our family. I can't imagine otherwise.
My father-in-law still won't wear his. I remember the horror stories about people trapped in their cars by seat belts from back in the day when the laws were first passed. I bet today you will find 10,000 survivors for every one who died due to being trapped in their car by a seatbelt.
When I was young and stupid I almost never wore my seat belt. Now I can't imagine what reason some people think it's a good idea not to wear their seat belts.
It only takes 2 seconds to save the rest of your life.
I fell asleep at the wheel going 80 and walked away after I flipped my car. Only because of a seat belt. Don't drive tired and buckle up.
I was the biggest anti-seatbelt, screw the man, not going to be told what to do person for most of my life. Even got a ticket from a nice Wyoming HP for my hardheaded behavior. My nephew survived a roll over accident because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was thrown form the vehicle. Trooper said he would have been killed had he been strapped in.

That all changed when the refinery we do lots of work in went to a mandatory seatbelt use policy. You don't drive one inch without being strapped in or off the property you go. This is in a plant that you will never drive over 15 mile per hour.

A couple years of that behavior and it just becomes second nature to use one. Hope I never have to actually test one out but I have to thank that refinery for changing my behavior.
Man sorry you had to see that NR. Seatbelts and helmets are a black and white policy for me and my family. Still SMH that we don't have helmet laws for motorcyclists and bicyclists.
I reared ended a bucket truck in college no seat belt on. Quick trip to the ER and I was on my way again. I still didn't wear it for years even after having my first kid.

We were headed to the lake when a dude came running up on us bloody from head to toe. He and his cousin were jacking around on dirt roads and they lost control and crashed into a washout. I was the first on the scene waiting for the ER to come. There wasn't anything I could do the cousins was sideways and unconscious in the front seat. I just waited. He was bleeding from his ears and nose. The first ER on the scene was a guy on call with his pick up. He told me I may have to help him get this kid going but then the ambulance showed up shortly after he said that.

We left and headed out. Later found out the kid died a day later at the hospital. I have worn my seatbelt ever since.
Sorry to hear that Nameless. I was the first one on the scene of one of my good friends. He rolled his truck one night and didn't have his seatbelt on. He had a bunch of change in his pocket when he wrecked and we were able to follow the trail to him. He had traveled 126'. That was two years ago, this coming August. He is alive, but is learning to walk, talk and other similar things every day. It's tough to see.

I've always worn one and always will. Pay attention!
I'm sure there are LEOs and others on here who deal with this more than they wished they would, but this weekend ended in horror for my family.

A truck pulling a trailer directly in front of us began to fishtail and flipped, rolling the truck. The driver was ejected. My wife called 911 and I ran up to the scene, and it was over and it was awful.

There are all sorts of reasons to wear seatbelt: For you, your family, your friends, etc. But also, for the children in the truck behind you who shouldn't be exposed to something so terrible as a visible highway fatality.

I'm gonna be driving a bit slower for a while, and am thinking of our first responders who themselves aren't the victims, but who deal with tragedy on the regular and how hard that might be.

Sorry to hear that you had to experience that.

I'm thinking I was pretty close behind you if it happened on Boulder Hill. It definitely looked very unpleasant and sorry you had to deal with that.

A guy can never completely erase those memories.

Loss of life in that manner is always traumatic for a number of people.
That is awful, for you to witness, and the poor chap and his family, terribly sad.
I was also first on seen of a fatal accident, i watched as the poor guy just slipped away, took me a while to get over that.
Thanks for your comments and stories. I have driven up on the scene of accidents after they occurred, but I have never seen one go down. It was shocking. I have always worn a seatbelt while driving, but I'm going to be a zealot for the rest of my life when it comes to seatbelt usage.

Yeah FishN4Eyes, this was Boulder Hill. Sad day and who knows if it had to happen. Praying for the victim's family.
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