PEAX Equipment

Weaponizing sound and light over private land air space.

Ugh, I heard one as I was leaving the house this morning after I posted about them disconnected.

We scheduled a spring break trip a while back. I think some Mylar balloons are going to get staked out while we are gone. Let’s see how long the batteries last and what the other neighbors think.
I'm from west Michigan. I know people that can take care of this.

I say this because those same individuals ended a 40 year long feud the neighbor farmer had with my dad. Included clowns - thats all I can say.
Scottsville clown band?
I forget in the last ten pages but…
Have you had a Sheriff come over just to look at it? Its way beyond having to do with rodents, the guy is clearly harassing you. Sometimes some mediation from a common sense sheriff can go a long ways.
I forget in the last ten pages but…
Have you had a Sheriff come over just to look at it? It’s way beyond having to do with rodents, the guy is clearly harassing you. Sometimes some mediation from a common sense sheriff can go a long ways.
He would love to do something about it, but he cannot because there’s nothing criminal about it.
Id still ask for him to talk to the guy, regardless of there being no law broken and nothing he can do about it. Just as a way to say “look, its not wrong in the eyes of the law, but its still morally wrong, and now we have our eye on you because of it”. Maybe it would help, but cant seem to hurt at this point.

I would have been driven insane and smashed those things with a hammer. I admire your restraint but this insane.
Id still ask for him to talk to the guy, regardless of there being no law broken and nothing he can do about it. Just as a way to say “look, its not wrong in the eyes of the law, but its still morally wrong, and now we have our eye on you because of it”. Maybe it would help, but cant seem to hurt at this point.

I would have been driven insane and smashed those things with a hammer. I admire your restraint but this insane.
I agree, then maybe they can even ask, WTH is going on, why the hate and issues? Maybe it would lead to a happy outcome. This childish back and forth will accomplish zero :)
Id still ask for him to talk to the guy, regardless of there being no law broken and nothing he can do about it. Just as a way to say “look, its not wrong in the eyes of the law, but its still morally wrong, and now we have our eye on you because of it”. Maybe it would help, but cant seem to hurt at this point.

I would have been driven insane and smashed those things with a hammer. I admire your restraint but this insane.
Been done, didn’t change anything. You can’t reason with paranoia.

I would love to smash them, but that is not a option.
I agree, then maybe they can even ask, WTH is going on, why the hate and issues? Maybe it would lead to a happy outcome. This childish back and forth will accomplish zero :)
Tried, he lies, changes his story, makes wild allegations. It’s proven at this point that there is no logic or reasoning in his thoughts.
Sounds like it's going to be fight fire with fire until he does something that he can be charged with. Good luck! It sounds horrible.
Sounds like it's going to be fight fire with fire until he does something that he can be charged with. Good luck! It sounds horrible.
I have an ace in the hole but I’m not sure this is where to use it.

They planted a tree in Remembrance of something. It’s on my property and they (his wife) has asked me not to mess with it. Which I haven’t in the last 6 years no matter how crazy it got. There has been times I’ve fired up the chainsaw but never seem to leave the garage.

If I have to resort to a fence they will loose it. I’m not sure they realize that.
I have an ace in the hole but I’m not sure this is where to use it.

They planted a tree in Remembrance of something. It’s on my property and they (his wife) has asked me not to mess with it. Which I haven’t in the last 6 years no matter how crazy it got. There has been times I’ve fired up the chainsaw but never seem to leave the garage.

If I have to resort to a fence they will loose it. I’m not sure they realize that.
You're good man, likely better than I.
Deal with the wife, she's the one who can handle the husband. Suck up your pride and tell her you both made mistakes and it's time to move on. If you need to build a fence you will, and the tree comes down first. Either she'll handle it or the fence goes up.
I’ve made no mistake and will not seek penance.

I noticed he wasn’t home so I stopped in and contacted him thru his ring device. I explained the problem again and corrected him on all of his excuses of why they have to be up. I offered to come to a solution and if that meant buying traps I would. I also informed him if I have to build a fence and what will happen when it goes up.

Ball is in his court, now we wait and see.
This childish back and forth will accomplish zero :)
Its the off-season we need this type of entertainment.

Better than: ebike arguments that have already been written into law and people who keep answering threads where the op has long since quit HT, or my personal favorite people who have never killed elk offering advice to elk

Keep it coming!

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