Weaponizing sound and light over private land air space.

Take a vacation, rent some large speakers and blare “what’s new pussycat” the entire ti e you’re gone.
I was going to recommend something similar I think some gangster rap discussing the finer points of selling drugs, committing drive bys, and every other word being F*** but that’s just me
When I bought my house, at closing, the seller made the statement I love this house, I wish I could take it with me.

Oh, well where are you moving to?

I don’t know, I just can’t stay here any longer.

That was my first clue.

My second was arriving home and putting that statement with the 15’ earth berm half way down the property line she had constructed. It no longer appeared as a left over spoil pile.

They had a fued and I inherited it. He is bat shit crazy and no amount of communication from me will change it. I’ve tried, when he shot at my dog and sat on the property line videotaping himself yelling at me, I quit trying.

I thought it was meth but he truly is paranoid bat shit crazy.
Ahh, real estate, where everyone plays as dumb as possible until the deal is done...
My only recourse is hire a civil attorney and seek a temporary stop order. I can sue him for violating my private property rights. Or I can work with the township to get a noise ordinance. None of which stop the immediate problem of when one malfunctions and goes off 24/7.

My parents had a neighbor like this, he was friendly at first and turned into an absolute lunatic. They had a shared well and it was located on his property, his house also had a city hookup for water but my folks did not, so he would just turn their water off from time to time claiming that he was "working on the well" or just "forget to turn off his hose" to run the well dry for a day. We found out later he wanted to own my folks' property but they bought it before he was able to, it was his way of trying to force them to sell.

You can't beat crazy with crazy. Hire a good attorney and have them come out to experience the noise, and get folks from the township or county to come have a look as well, I doubt law enforcement would really care unless he has trespassed on your land. I don't know the laws in Michigan, but if you were to sell his actions would devalue your land so you may have some sort of civil case over loss of value...like the corner crossing landowner in Wyoming, only legit...

That sucks man, sorry!
I also think I would be eating more "free-range" chicken in the future! ;)
I’d be tempted to do the same, but I think this neighbor may take it to the extreme next time OP’s dog crosses the property line. Not worth that risk.
He can’t be reasoned with, and the other neighbors think he is sane. So you need to show them he is crazy. To do that, show the world - 24/7 Live feed Bad Neighbor Truman Show. Let him know hes the a$$hole star. Erect 30’ high poles with surveillance cameras on top aimed at all aspects of his life. Stream it and make enough off of it to move cause without burying the problem, its not going away. I despise the lawyer idea cause in any lawsuit, they win.
Have you tried having a beer with the guy and trying to sort out the issue?

Like this? I don't know if @Addicting has the time needed to build up an iocane immunity... :ROFLMAO:

The Princess Bride Disney Plus GIF by Disney+
He can’t be reasoned with, and the other neighbors think he is sane. So you need to show them he is crazy. To do that, show the world - 24/7 Live feed Bad Neighbor Truman Show. Let him know hes the a$$hole star. Erect 30’ high poles with surveillance cameras on top aimed at all aspects of his life. Stream it and make enough off of it to move cause without burying the problem, its not going away. I despise the lawyer idea cause in any lawsuit, they win.
Yes!!!!! YouTube his antics for the world to see. Piss him off and maybe make money doing it!
Have you tried eliciting some empathy out of him? Just a simple plead along the lines of "You're making mine and my family's lives miserable and I don't know why." Heck, shed a tear if you have to.

My dad had a seemingly intractable property dispute with a neighbor for years. We had a pet go missing, likely from a 'yote, and he had to go over hat in hand asking if they'd seen it. They hadn't, but him asking about such a thing humanized him in their eyes and they agreed that the property line wasn't a big deal in the scheme of things. They're pretty friendly now and exchange Christmas cookies and whatnot.

Sounds like your neighbor might be a bit more unhinged than what a simple pleading will solve. I believe you've posted some examples in the past even. In which case I'd call an attorney. In the few times I've had to use one I've found that they'll be pretty straightforward about their ability to do anything for you or not.

Sorry about your plight either way. It sure sucks to feel helpless in your own living situation because of the actions of another person.
Minus the youtube part, it works for my 5 year old. When hes acting up and doesnt realize it, we just film him, sit his ass down and replay what just happened. He usually doesnt remember acting like that so it brings some self awareness into picture.

To the OP, you can call the surveillance cameras neccessary equipment to help monitor the “rodent” problem that he claims to be on the fence line.

That being said, with his actions towards your kids, I cant say being any kind of joking or civil would be what Id consider.
I am 450’ deep and it is a shared old fence row with single barbed wire trees in joint ownerships. The berm is only 150’ long and we have basically abandoned the few feet at the bottom. There is no way to construct a fence without loosing those few feet the whole length.
I'm struggling to follow the description, but if the choice is losing a few feet of property or your sanity...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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