WE WON! Chaffetz is withdrawing HR 621


Active member
May 26, 2015
Check his Instagram! We won boys! Now it's time to keep the pressure on and kill the land transfer idea as a whole. This sent a clear message. No transfer. Not an acre. No compromise. We must keep the pressure on our representatives.
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A tactical retreat.

This war is just starting.

Agreed, DO NOT LET THE PRESSURE OFF. We now have momentum. HR 622 needs to be stopped and the entire land transfer issue needs to be choked so hard it never comes back to life. Do not let this victory set you idly by. We won ONE battle, we need to win the war.

I would also like to give a thanks to a Randy Newberg, I would never be as involved had I not watched his show and had him influence me. Thanks to everyone who helped this happen, now let's keep going.
Man I feel invigorated. Ready to roll up the sleeves and get more involved. If what you fellas that have been at this for a long time say is true, and I have no reason to doubt that you are, I'm all guts out ready to keep up the fight.
We have not won the war until the BLM/FS has been properly funded for long enough to show the public how great our public lands can be.
With that said, I'll take any reason to feel optimistic!
All who worked to bring pressure on their Congressional delegates, on companies, and on other platforms in the hunting world should take a minute to smile, look in the mirror, and give yourselves a thumbs up. Hell, this evening I even saw Realtree post opposition on their blog. You guys are getting after it.

And as Ben said, there is more to do. But for tonight, I raise a toast to all of you badasses. Thanks for all you do.

These public lands have some damn good guardians. We are at a pivot point in the history or public lands in America. Dedication like people have shown the last week demonstrate that these lands are far more important to us than any politician will ever understand. And that these same people do not intend to stand down when the call to action comes.

Thanks again.
I think it is important that we all take this as a moment to fully appreciate that, in FACT, Jason Chaffetz is the BIGGEST COWARD IN DC.


Well done to all who called, wrote letters, and became involved and engaged.
Thanks to all who joined in the tedious but oh so important work, proud to be in the trenches with you. Let's enjoy a pat on the back and then get back to work. 622 is next.

-Greg, Keep It Public
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What do you know, some Republicans are coming around...maybe more than a few.

This was a tiny battle, be ready to go with war with him and many other republicans. The amount of pressure he received was intense. His voicemail was constantly full, his Instagram photos he was posting were getting thousands of comments and everyone said #keepitpublic. That amount of pressure on a politician and standing for what is important to you is what makes them crack. Chaffetz is not what he pretends to be in that photo. Now it's time to double down and apply the pressure even more. But rest easy tonight knowing we killed HR 621, for without us it would be alive and well. Wake up and go back to work on this issue tomorrow this is not over and the transfer idea must die as well as HR 622. Chaffetz got a taste of the passion and sheer force that awaits him when he crosses us, and it needs to continue.

Keep it public! And kill HR 622
Can somebody that knows more about hunting explain what kind of hunting Jason Chaffetz, THE biggest coward in DC is attempting in this picture?

Does Utah somehow allow dogs for big game?
What kind of dog?

Jose we all know he's a fake. We won HR621 and this is not the last war we'll fight with him. Time to kill HR 622 and end the transfer idea.
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