We should go on an elk hunt

I bet those other 2 no show sissys will be sad they missed the adventure.

To be fair, one guys mom had surgery. The other guy we tried to get him to tell work to pound sand, but as a former professional services firm worker now in recovery I understand deadlines are deadlines, especially when they are court dates. I'll still feed them elk though.

Since we had a couple of open bunks we had a few guests who like to "shoot the bull" come for a sleepover....which led to amazing comments like "that's the first time I've seen UGG boots in an elk camp".
My wife and I were wondering what happened to that shiny, California Toyota with fresh dents as it drove past our ranch a handful of times?!?
Glad you're all okay and shot a great bull too. Congrats, good recovery, and excellent hunting story.
Too bad abt your truck
Glad you came out with minimal damage. Most place where I'm at if you go off, it's a long way to the bottom.
Curious, you must have used a winch to pull out
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My wife and I were wondering what happened to that shiny, California Toyota with fresh dents as it drove past our ranch a handful of times?!?

I'm sure those dents will buff right out
Congrats JR and company.

Gotta say though, was expecting a new bar to be set on post hunt meal pictures...

We ate well in camp, made soups/stews, froze them and thawed in a waterbath. Borscht, bear stew, bighorn chilindron, and bison and boar chili. Didn't get to eat any of the elk as we were headed out early in the AM for home.
We ate well in camp, made soups/stews, froze them and thawed in a waterbath. Borscht, bear stew, bighorn chilindron, and bison and boar chili. Didn't get to eat any of the elk as we were headed out early in the AM for home.
Was about to ask about the elk. Some fine backstrap cooked over the fire or a shoulder slow pit cooking under/over coals...
Something special about sampling the fresh of fresh cuts at the camp's fire. Bummer the time was not present, your outdoor chef masterpieces eclipse many a chef's Michelin rated culinary creations.

Grats on sharing the elk experience with others.
Western people don’t give AF about their cars. That pickup’s never gonna be the same.
Awesome story!
Congrats on the elk!

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