Caribou Gear Tarp

We SCORE!! a message from little Schmalts


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Click this link to see a special Hunts Talk Message from my little guy! talk vid.wmv

Its always better when you can do it with a kid. My 4 year old boys first time sharing a turkey kill. Opening morning went like this.... Birds Gobbling in the roost like crazy. I had 5 toms within 1/4 mile but they were all henned up. About 15 minutes after they were down Garrett fell asleep. 10 minutes later a hen walk through, and 2 minutes later a Jake appears. I wake the boy up and he looks out the window of the blind and gets all excited because there is 4 of them. I ask if i should shoot one or wait for a bigger one, and the answer is pretty easy to figure out:D . I wasnt going to let anything with a beard walk when he was with me. I have other tags to try for a big old tom so this one was for the special season when i went with the boy. He wants to take the wings, feet and tail to pre-school for show and tell. I bet the teacher will be thrilled:rolleyes:
Here is some other pictures.


Very nice Pat. Looks like a great photo for the wall and a life long memory for you and your son. Great vid.
It worked for me, he said "we got a turkey", then he drug it off some. It must have been pretty heavy. Way to go Schmalts and Little Schmalts!!
Way cool. Congrats on the bird and with the kid as well. I got rained out this weekend but I have a feeling a bird just might die at my hands within the next week.
Good times...Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the pics of the big one you get later. ;)
Very nice schmalts. I went out yesterday and didn't get anything talking. I did have 3 jakes stand in the middle of the road just tempting me but let them walk for now.