Wasting Ariz.money!


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
from NAHC news:

TUCSON, AZ—Arizona wildlife officials decided last week against using professional trackers to kill mountain lions in the state's Sabino Canyon and say they'll instead attempt to tranquilize and airlift the animals out of the area. The decision comes after a flurry of protests from local citizens and environmental groups.

The animals, which game officials say are behaving abnormally and threatening people, will be sent to a private center at an undisclosed location.

The relocation process will begin next week, at an airlift cost of $4,000 to $6,300 per day.
Just issue more tags, but insist everybody hunt with a .300 ultra mag & hollow points, that'll "air lift" em !
I find it amazing the emotions that are invoked in regards to issues involveing certain predators, 'wild' horses, and raptors.
These "environmental groups" are anti hunting. They don't want you hunting any poor defenceless animals.
( note, I'm not talking about all environmantal groups, but some of them ARE also animal rights groups )
In order to understand the attitude in Tucson, you have to first understand that Tucson in general and especially the areas to the south and east, are bastions of western liberalism. The whole damned area could be painted green and the residents there would love it. The are higher than average income, mostly California Techy Transplants, with little taste for anything that is associated with hunting or roughing it. Thier main pasttime out doors is bike riding.

They don't necessarily care about the lions until Fluffy gets disappears or they wake up one morning and find a lion drinking out of thier swimming pool. That wouldn't bother them, except the lion would probably crap in the begonias and then they would have to clean it up. That would bother them.

Well it just doesn't seem right to lump environmental groups and animal rights groups all into the same category. Environmental groups are for clean air and water, and healthy wildlife habitat. Animal rights groups are the ones that don't want any poor defenseless animals killed.
WH, what's a good environmental group that can't be lumped with an animal rights view? I'm thinking, its hard to actually separate them. The issues are separate, I see that. Name a group though, I don't know a seperate group, except for hunters, is that what you were thinking?
The Nature Conservancy is what I'd call an environmental group and allows hunting on some of the properties they own. Many more that they buy are sold to public land management agency which allow hunting on them.
Yep, the Nature Conservancy would be the first one that comes to mind. The Sierra Club also does not have a position against hunting, although I am aware that many people feel that they are an anti-hunting organization. I would consider the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation an environmental group. After all, wildlife habitat is their priority. If they're not an environmental group, then I don't know what is.
How about the Audubon Society, the Nat'l Wildlife Federation, FNAWS, Ducks Unlimited, Turkey Federation, Pheasants Forever and every other group that is buying, enhancing or fighting for wildlife habitat? I don't think the Wilderness Society has any position against hunting. Doesn't the NRA have a position on wildlife habitat?
Like I said, not all of them are anti hunting.

My wife has a cousin that lived on the outskirts of Tucson, one of thoses techy Calif. transplants. Any way, she had one of thoses 4 lb lap dogs that sleeps inside. One morning she lets Fluffy out to pee, and while shes sipping her expresso, she hears a yelp, and fluffy is gone. She asks me "what in the world could have happened ? I told her not to ask unless she wanted to here the answer, just go get another dog, eather a big dog, or keep an eye on it !

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