Washington County, ID - Huh wha?

I would say I'm speechless, but nothing shocks me anymore.

Some Commissioner just found his favorite road hunting road gated.

All hail Clive and Ammon.
Idaho politicians love to cry about high taxes, then want more tax money to spend on frivolous things
Well, I don't think it's all bad. States should have say and control of lands within their boarders. It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do.
Well, I don't think it's all bad. States should have say and control of lands within their boarders. It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do.

So the states should have control over private lands in their state? The federal government is the landowner, no different than me being the landowner of my property. That's how I see it, at least.
Well, I don't think it's all bad. States should have say and control of lands within their boarders. It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do.

Couldn't disagree more. Public lands are owned by the people, and held in trust by the federal government - meaning managed in the interest of ALL US citizens, not just the people that live next door. If states gain control of public ground they will be managed (and I'm gonna get real tongue in cheek here) in the interest of the states citizens. My cousin in Philadelphia owns/controls just as much of a right to the NF ground in Idaho that I do, which is just as much ownership/control as Rancher McGee that has property bordering it.

In this instance, we aren't even talking about state control of public ground, it's COUNTY COMMISSIONER control of public ground! Do you really think the honorable commissioner from Midvale gives a r@ts @$$ about protecting the right to use and enjoy the NF that my cousin has, just the same as EVERY U.S. citizen?
Couldn't disagree more. Public lands are owned by the people, and held in trust by the federal government - meaning managed in the interest of ALL US citizens, not just the people that live next door. If states gain control of public ground they will be managed (and I'm gonna get real tongue in cheek here) in the interest of the states citizens. My cousin in Philadelphia owns/controls just as much of a right to the NF ground in Idaho that I do, which is just as much ownership/control as Rancher McGee that has property bordering it.

In this instance, we aren't even talking about state control of public ground, it's COUNTY COMMISSIONER control of public ground! Do you really think the honorable commissioner from Midvale gives a r@ts @$$ about protecting the right to use and enjoy the NF that my cousin has, just the same as EVERY U.S. citizen?

Hmmm, good point.

As I said, "It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do".

The County Commissioners are elected. If they don't meet expectations, stop voting them into office...
Hmmm, good point.

As I said, "It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do".

The County Commissioners are elected. If they don't meet expectations, stop voting them into office...

Would if I could, but I'm not a resident in that county. Plenty of my wife's family is though - they vote.
Well, I don't think it's all bad. States should have say and control of lands within their boarders. It's a double edged sword and people are going to fight for what they feel they are loosing in the battle, which is everyone's right to do.

Remember how everyone felt about states closing their borders, local sheriffs shutting down counties, etc. a couple of months ago.

Hard pass for me.

Gov of CO "We have decided that Colorado is crowded, therefore we are closing all outdoor recreation on federal lands, except RMNP to Non-Residents. During hunting season NR will only be allowed to hunt private lands or state wildlife areas, must be guided, and must buy a park pass of $5000."

Hyperbolic to the extreme but I'm just trying to highlight the downsides. Federal Public lands are one of the primary reasons the NA model works, if one doesn't like the model, and wants private control they can move to Texas.
Another hunt talker and I went up tho council and spoke when Judy had her no net loss bill that would have made it illegal to donate or sell private land into public interest. Like say to Idaho fish and game, The mule deer fountain or RMEF.

Despite being outnumber by frustrated citizens she insisted on speaking about "how to wrestle back our lands".
When I use the example of the Elliott state Forrest in Oregon and what a financial disaster it has been for the state.
Her response was "thats Oregon we don't like how Oregon does things"
Completely ignoring how hard it is for a state to afford to keep large Forrest without them going to auction.
When challenged about how they would pay for Forrest fires (like the 95,000acre one ripping through there now) after they wrestle back "there" land.
She replied "well we would like to think the federal government would cover the cost"
😳 after you wrestle the land away you think that they should pay for it?
When asked who will pay for the many miles of Forrest service roads and trail maintenance. One of them replied "the county already maintains those so there should be no additional cost. That is an outright lie and couldn't be further from the truth.
What these politicians want is to have total control with no checks and balances.
They want to use your tax dollars to give them that control!
She has been spreading this for a long time.
It’s fun/infuriating trying to get a department of lands employee to say public or state lands. It’s clearly beaten into their brains to refer to it as endowment or trust lands.

Additionally the state land board is sitting on a big chunk of money that was to be invested in land; it’s largely been unused due to pushback from the farm bureau against them buying farmland and counties and private timber companies against them buying timberlands
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