Warthog VS Crocodile


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
I was just sent this photo in Email from a friend. Thought I would share it with you folks.

I pretty big croc with a warthog in Kruger park

I've seen this before, but guys were saying it was whitetail and alligator from Florida, so is it really a croc or alligator and is it a deer or wartie--looks more like a whitey to me, but it also looks more like a croc than an alligator--I'm having trouble seeing a warthog as it looks like a deer head in the mouth and just 1/2 a deer so now I'm confused---will have to look at the picture with more earnest ----chris
Chris, the pic I saw was a gator in the water with a deer in his mouth. This is the first time I've seen this one.
is that one with the alligator in the water swimming---pretty cool pic that was---now maybe I'm confusing that with this one but, but I don't think so-I think I saw this pic on Accurate Reloading, but I could be wrong as it's been awhile--- I still can't make out a warthog though--I see a deer head in the mouth--it's missing its left front leg and it looks like 1/2 a deer body ---anyone else see this or do you see a warthog??? ....chris
Well, for starters there are no deer in Kruger park, and the big white tusk is from a warthog. I 've never seen a deer with big ivory tusks!

As far as this being from florida, well there are no Crocs in Florida except those smaller saltwater species specific to Florida. This is definately not an Alligator, Gators are black and have a symetrical snout, not the snout of a croc. An alligator only shows the upper teeth when the mouth is closed, Croc's show uppers and lowers. There is absolutley zero chance this is an Alligator and a deer, anyone who posted that has no concept of what species live in what country or how to tell the difference between them!

To me at least this is like confusing a domestic cow with a cape buffalo!
you need to go down to the indonesia where the deer do have tusks---

I think they're called a musk deer or something like that, but that makes no diff here--

and I know where crocs and alligators live....but I don't think you're haranging me here just the post I saw on that other site--

all I'm saying is what I recall from another site---in my original post I state I see a croc's mouth for sure, but I can't make out a warthog and if my memory was correct on what I saw on the other site then it's a deer which would make this most likely an alligator----so with that being said I still don't see no frickin wartie--yes I see the white thing, but it looks like a bone to me more than a tusk, also it looks like the head of an impala or some african antelope in its mouth(if it's not a deer) with an eye and ear, a ripped off left front leg and a right leg on the far side and there's only half a body---now if the white thing is a tusk and you're saying those are ears where I think it's ripped off leg, then what is that thing on the far right sticking past it's so called ear-front leg bent funny(maybe) and then explain the body position in the mouth----I just can't see the wartie, I'm not argueing here I just need someone to explain the body position, cuz I see head in the mouth, neck and partial body hanging vs body in mouth, neck and then head-----chris
Maybe try to enlarge it in photo shop. It's easy for me to see this but then I live there and spent much of my life there. It is impossible to be a deer there are no deer in Kruger park and only imported fallow deer in some hunting preserves in the eastern Cape. That's a long way away from Kruger!

I think if you can enlarge the photo some bits of the warhog will come through clearer for you.
JJ--well I'm not proficient enuff to do that photoshop stuff, so I'll just leave it that it's a great pic of what I think is a croc and something in its mouth(not a deer if it's a croc) and glad someone shared it with us--chris

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