Warm Weather and Sheep in NV


Aug 11, 2015
Got lucky and got drawn for unit 171 in Nevada on our 3rd year of applying. We didn't get to do any scouting this summer as work has been too busy. We did have an ace in the hole with some locals looking around for us. The deer were high, like 10,000 feet and above. With the weather what it has been the last 3 years in the west, we knew water was going to be tough, so we were going to have to pack in water. We took 6 gallons each, which ended up being a mistake. We only used 2.5 each, but it is better to be safe than sorry as there was no water to be found anywhere.

Pretty amazing that it was in the mid to high 70s at 11,000 feet. Deer were basically nocturnal still.

Wondering if any of you have ever seen any issues with sheep dogs? We found areas where sheep grazing was rather heavy and several deer carcasses. At 11,000 feet I don't suspect that coyotes did that.

That aside, we were lucky enough to tag out with a couple of smaller 4x4s after 4 days of chasing around. One thing is sure, I am going to be investing in a better optics system. Each day was spent trying to figure out which deer to try and stalk and then only to realize that they were too small when we got close enough to see what they were.
I would suspect the sheep herder before the dog. Those guys are up there for months on end. Who is going to know if they pop a deer here and there? I ran into a Basque sheep herder years ago in the middle of nowhere Nevada one while bowhunting. He was so happy to see us once he found out we spoke spanish, said he hadn't seen anybody in over a month.