Voices from the safe...


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
So I’ve been thinking about my elk hunt this fall, likely overthinking it as always, but.... I’ve been planning on using my bow (earlyish Oct hunt) provided that the elk are still vocal and then to take along my .300WMag as my alternative. The more I’m in and out of my gun safe lately the more I’m starting to hear my pops old .350RemMag talk to me. It’s an old school model 600 with a fixed Weaver K4 and I’ve never punched more than paper with it. I’m not getting any younger and after this years knee replacement I’m never guaranteed how many more trips to the elk hills are in me.

The one quandary I’m finding is the total lack of current ammo available out there. I’ve still got a half box of dads old 250grain core-lockts and there are a few boxes of the same on gunbroker (at $155 delivered per) but again I’d be relying on 50+ year old ammo though it is period to the rifle in question.

Any thoughts on where I might look (I feel like I’ve scoured the internet) for different ammo or on this plan in general? Should I just hush the voices in my head, grab the .300 and leave the queen in her place of prominence in the safe? Maybe verify she’s still on with a few rounds and just take the remaining 8 hunting? Say screw it and just plan on the bow regardless? Hell I don’t know🤷🏻‍♂️
Man that's tough.

It does look like you can make brass from 7mag?
To reload?

350 just sounds fun. Take that and the 300 as a backup.
Well I just finished yet another round on the internet looking for the .350 unicorn. The six boxes I found (Ammo Okkie)are the same as those I mentioned previously offered on gunbroker. Have one more call to make on Monday (thanks again @Addicting). Going to head to my range and pop a couple of my remaining box to see where she hits and if taking her still appeals to me as much as I think it does (she does tend to tickle the shoulder “a bit”) Then will probably grab one at the fun price of $155 from gb. Steep but no ones holding a gun to my head so🤷🏻‍♂️.

I’m thinking now on taking bow and both rifles just cuz I’m so much more familiar with my .300 and the ammo isn’t 50-60 years old lol

Well I just finished yet another round on the internet looking for the .350 unicorn. The six boxes I found (Ammo Okkie)are the same as those I mentioned previously offered on gunbroker. Have one more call to make on Monday (thanks again @Addicting). Going to head to my range and pop a couple of my remaining box to see where she hits and if taking her still appeals to me as much as I think it does (she does tend to tickle the shoulder “a bit”) Then will probably grab one at the fun price of $155 from gb. Steep but no ones holding a gun to my head so🤷🏻‍♂️.

I’m thinking now on taking bow and both rifles just cuz I’m so much more familiar with my .300 and the ammo isn’t 50-60 years old lol

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I would take it just for the cool factor. Sweet looking rifle
You need to reload. Do you have anyone nearby that does?

You could pull the bullets pop the primers and load up some fresh powder and get to it. You can also make brass from 7mag and 300wm.

I've shot old ammo with no issues. It really doesn't go bad if it isn't corroded on the outside it should be fine. IMO.

Good luck and take that rifle hunting!
@MarvB I don't know if this is actually in-stock and the hurdles to get ammo out of Canada, but maybe.....
If the 350 has been talking to you, don't ignore it, use it.
I too say use it! I also have a 350 Rem magnum in the Model 600 with a 2-7 Leupold VX II on it. I took mine to Ontario, CA and shot a nice 8 point whitetail with it and have shot other deer in my home commie state of NY. When I first bought it I got a box of Nosler ammo ($77.00 at the time) loaded with 250 grain Nosler Partitions. Not sure if you can still get them.

Good luck & use it! :)
Yeah I’m just over the hill from Nosler (Bend, OR) and have tried calling them a few times last week, don’t even pickup. I’m sure they are still hosed with the ammo supply situation.
Take the .350. I find my self doing more hunting with family guns. Seasons are limited and I like carrying the stuff that been around 3-4 generations. I’d rather take a trophy doe with something that has sentimental value than a big rack with a new throw away gun
Take it. I am in the same boat with some guns. I have been very very rude to them. Only taking them out of the safe to get at the fancy ones in the back. I am committed this year to hunt with 3 different rifles. Whether or not they get to be the one that makes the shot, they at least deserve a good few miles in the woods.
As I picked up new rifles I always bought about five boxes of ammo for each I planned to use. I dont shoot all that much so I have been lucky during this crunch. I always replaced a box here and there as I shot them up. The whole ammo situation sort of sucks. I would much rather keep a couple boxes of each rifle and be confident I could just buy some when I needed them. Theres a lot of cash tied up in my ammo closet.
As I picked up new rifles I always bought about five boxes of ammo for each I planned to use. I dont shoot all that much so I have been lucky during this crunch. I always replaced a box here and there as I shot them up. The whole ammo situation sort of sucks. I would much rather keep a couple boxes of each rifle and be confident I could just buy some when I needed them. Theres a lot of cash tied up in my ammo closet.
Your ammo stash fits in a closet? 😁

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