PEAX Equipment

Video camera???


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
I'm thinking about getting a video camera for my Alaska hunt this fall. Any suggestions on something light and inexpensive (less than $1,000) that would take "decent" video?

I've got a good used Canon GL2 that I'd be willing to part with in that price range. It has a waterproof, crushproof Pelican case that would come with it. I just upgraded to a Canon XH A1 and I don't need two cameras.

As far as advice for other models and makes it really depends on your definition of what is light and what "decent" video is.
Also, do you want to shoot in standard definition or in HD? You can get a lot of SD cameras for that price range and some HD cameras. Keep in mind that it takes a lot more computing power to edit HD video and the HDV tapes are more expensive also.
Another camera that is known to be durable, with good sound and picture is the Sony PD 170. Both the Canon Gl2 and the Sony PD 170 will take good Television quality SD video. They are both in the 3 pound range if my memory serves me right. I don't know if that qualifies for "light" in your opinion. One thing I like about the GL2 is that it has a 20x optical zoom. I think the PD 170 only has 12x.

Optical zoom is all that matters when considering how much magnification a camera has. Digital zoom is a gimmick, repeat gimmick. Disreguard digital zoom in your considerations and turn it off if the camera you buy has it.

Optical stabilization is a pretty important feature.

Number of charge-coupled devices. ( CCD) The more and bigger the better. Low end cameras usually have one CCD that is 1/4" in size. The CCD is the sensor that captures color and light.
Most mid to upper end cameras have a 3 CCD designation. The GL2 and PD170 have 3 CCDs that are 1/4" in size. The next availible size up is 1/3" but almost all cameras that have that big of CCDs are going to be out of your price range. ( $3000-5000) It might be possible to pick up a used Canon XL1 for around $1000 but that camera is definitely not what I would call light.

If you want light and HD I've heard good things about the Canon HV series. I don't have any first hand knowledge of them but some people really like them. IMO their drawbacks are that most of that series only has 10x zoom. I'm pretty sure they are all in tapeless format. Flash drives and media cards are great if you can upload your video to a computer after every couple hours of videoing, but if you want to get more than about two hours of video on your trip you're going to have to buy some more media storage. That will increase your investment substantially.

Here's a link to a video I posted on Youtube. All this footage was shot with a Canon GL2
I'm thinking about getting a video camera for my Alaska hunt this fall. Any suggestions on something light and inexpensive (less than $1,000) that would take "decent" video?

I think most all video cams will take decent video. Price range will usually determine quality. $1000 price range should be fine. I personally would stick with canon or sony for quality. I would also stay away from walmart or related stores. Rumors of "gray parts" and low quality. Look more at Vanns or maybe even costco or something like that. You might even want to think about the extended warranty on such an item if you are using it in the field. More important, I would look at a decent tripod. They make all the difference in the world. Tapes and internal harddrives have their own advantages. My next cam will be internal. Dust and grime is such a huge issue when filming outdoors. You also might want to look into a rain cover for use outdoors. Good luck, there's a lot to sift through.
I took a Whitetail on film with a canon hv40 last year. The only upgrades were a lens hood, uv filter, and canon dm50 shotgun mic. The footage was awesome...Actually it was good enough it will be on t.v. this fall.

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