Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Varmints and handguns


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
When I was working on the ranch I carried a handgun constantly usually in the truck or if I wasn't working cattle on my hip, ether a 1911 chambered in 45 ACP or a Heritage arms (don't laugh, my wife and I were broke) 22 LR. It is amazing how accuracy you can get with them when you shoot constantly.
I think over several years I killed a half dozen coyotes, several crows, a couple of badgers, and un-numerable prairie dogs. The furthest shot I made on a coyote was about 80 yards with my 45.

Anyone else hunt varmints with handguns?
The gun you have access to is the one that gets used the most. Most ranch guns have killed the most over any hunting gun! That being said I have run down several coyotes with a 9mm pistol. Shot many rattlesnakes too. Can't say I have pursued any with a handgun, but when the opportunity is there, "I bet I could hit that" scenario always wins. Skunks in the springtime usually fall victim to the pistol.
I've shot a few foxes with my glock 19, with tritium night sights on it. Usually at night holding a flashlight under the butt of the gun. Furthest shot was 50 or so yards. I agree, handguns can be very effective and are with you when needed. Never set out to hunt with a glock, just happens to always be on me when I run into said critters. None of those foxes would've been shot if I had to run back to the house, get a rifle then return

Got me a big rattlesnake once with the glock too. He's right, it's what you have on you that is going to get the job done. If you can't shoot your handgun accurately, probably should try a few different ones to find one you shoot well
I carried a 22. rifle for years while trapping finally decided I was tired of lugging it around a couple years ago. Got the Ruger wrangler 22. revolver and have killed dozens of coyotes, around a half dozen bobcats, 2 fox, and hundreds of coons, opossum, and skunks with it sense. I have killed a few squirrels and two rabbits running my trap line with it as well we don't need to discuss how many I missed. 20230715_122330.jpg
I only have three handguns I'd consider hunting with and then only smallgame. S&W 38/44 in 38 spec, S&W mod 16 in 32 long and a Hgh Standard HD Military in 22RF. For fairly close shots I can do alright with them. I'm a whole lot better with a rifle though!
I've shot a skunk and a couple of possums with my Ruger Single Six.
I once attempted to shoot prairie dogs with my XP 100 7mm-08 in Wyoming in 40 to 50 mph cross winds. I gave up before I used up all of my ammo. :D