Utah Youth Any Bull Hunt

Your son stayed at it for 11 days! Just an outside perspective here, but your son is a tank. He's got some serious grit and if he stays with hunting, he will be a determined and dangerous dude. Nice job to you both!
Oh man, what a great story!! Your son stuck with it and pulled it off. Congrats to you both! Reading about it made my night.
We talked to other people just in the field and everyone was very nice and helpful and I assume was honestly sharing information on where the elk were or weren't and whether they were talking, etc.
Anybody have a youngster I can borrow so I too can get good intel from strangers in the field? :ROFLMAO:

Great hunt and great story npaden! Thanks for sharing.
You will talk about this hunt for many years to come. What great memories and the time to bond with your son you will cherish. Congrats on getting it done a nod sticking with it.
I‘m so excited that you had the outcome you did! Just the type of ending I was hoping for. Congratulations to you and your son on what I’m sure will be a lifelong memory!
Thanks everyone. We were prepared to come home empty handed but very thankful to have some meat to process this week.

My son is in Boy Scouts and after they go on a campout they ask each kid to tell everyone their “rose” which is the best thing they liked about the campout, their “pearl” which is something they learned on the campout and also their “thorn” which is the thing they thought was the worst thing about it.

We decided it would be too hard to come up with just one in each category so we allowed up to 3.

My sons roses were: Getting a bull elk, spending time with his dad, and spending time in the outdoors. Mine were: Seeing my son getting his first bull elk, the amazing people and how nice they were, and being able to see my son grow up a bit on this one trip.

My sons thorns were: Taking the so long to get an elk, waking up at 5:00 every day. I think my thorns were pretty much the same as his.

His pearls were: learning that patience and persistence usually does end up paying off, and that elk are a lot bigger than deer especially when you have to cut them up into pieces to get them in the cooler. My pearls were learning a few more ways to mess up on closing the deal on elk and learning some things on towing a heavy trailer in the steep mountains.

I’m sure there are more but I wanted to for sure get his written down.
Hard work with a big payoff.......congratulations to both of you.

And a round of applause for the cast of characters on the assist/s.
Dang you guys were EVERYWHERE but stayed the course till the end lol... great story to follow and grats to you and your son👍🏻
Okay. Thought I would close this one out.

We got the elk butchered and in the freezer last week and ate one of the tenderloins for super Saturday night. I always intend to weigh the end result but it went a long way toward filling up our nearly empty freezer.

My son helped with the butchering and went for seconds on the tenderloin.



We did recover the bullet and it performed exactly as it was supposed to.


I do think we will be talking about this for a while. It was an awesome bonding experience.