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Utah Model takes a leap towards reality in Montana.

....thats sad, I really hope this doesn't happen. I have only ever drove thru Utah and never really looked into hunting there. I was un aware thats how it really was. Youtube would say otherwise.
Per the article, what does "pushing back with a unified voice" mean? If it means voting folks out of office in favor of Democrats, it just flat out isn't happening in Montana. Let's accept that.

So what does it mean? I genuinely want to know what going on the offense effectively would look like. I've heard allusions to a Citizens Initiative, but I have no idea what that would look like or what it would propose exactly. I do think there is such disparity between what these bureaucrats - both elected and appointed - believe and support, and what the public that voted them in would support, that an Initiative could both pass, and send a message.

But I am just talking, not doing any work myself really, and am curious what the hell we can really do other than "speak up", which I certainly will do, but it sure seems inert most the time. Are there folks behind the scenes doing something I am not aware of? It feels like I am just sitting back, hoping someone else is doing something.
@Nameless Range I'm in the same boat as you here. Not sure what we are suppose to do. This group that we are trying to get moving here in Bozeman maybe could start raising a stink. But frankly what can we do.

I am all for revamping Montana's units to help with getting more animals on the landscape. What I am not for is making it so hard to draw a tag that the sport slowly decays and becomes simply a rich mans hobby.

This almost sounds like farming wild animals at that point. Seems like one thing after another these days. Some people just cannot leave a good thing alone.
Yes, Montana's Governor and his close friend and former workplace colleague, Senator Steve Daines, have often expressed statements which startle public lands outdoor recreationists, particularly hunters, because of the rhetoric promoting privatization of wildlife and public lands. It is evident that Representative Rosendale agrees with the ideology.
Now Ryan Zinke is running for the second House seat opening up, and it's certain he's in agreement.

The powerful shift in this public wildlife and public lands attitude in Montana politics and governance should alarm anyone who holds the longstanding Montana values and pride in the Last Best Place, which seems to be headed to merely a historical quip in a story of what Montana used to enjoy.

Prepare yourselves for Daines' "more jobs" through ramped up exploitation of Montana's resources, more pavement, and privatization of public wildlife and public lands.
While I agree with Tim's overall concerns, I think it's a bit ahead of the curve to call out the dogs on Ms. Waller. Folks need to take some deep breaths and have some conversations with her before just assuming she's going to be awful. She deserves that much kindness, at the very least.
Almost 180 comments and 1,700 likes on her Instagram post about the appointment including many from other “industry” shills. Clearly the public is happy…
Prepare yourselves for Daines' "more jobs" through ramped up exploitation of Montana's resources, more pavement, and privatization of public wildlife and public lands.
If Daines try's the "more Jobs" thing he is out of touch. They pay 18$ an hour at McDonalds here. There is plenty of work out there lol

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