Utah Legislative Resolution in support of SFW

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Really a resolution in support of the privitization of wildlife hrough the Hunt Expo:



Chief Sponsor: Allen M. Christensen
House Sponsor: ____________

8 General Description:
9 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor recommends that the
10 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah Wildlife Board make long-term
11 commitments to public and private partnerships that ensure healthy habitats, abundant
12 herds, and jobs in the hunting economy.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . commends the citizens of Utah and state agencies for creating innovative public and
16 private partnerships that create and maintain lands, healthy habitats, and abundant
17 herds, while expanding our hunting and outdoor economies;
18 . recommends that the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah Wildlife
19 Board continue to make long-term commitments to the Western Hunting and
20 Conservation Expo, private landowners, and those investing substantial resources to
21 ensure healthy habitats, abundant herds, and jobs in the hunting economy; and
22 . encourages additional state efforts to promote Utah's world-class outdoor
23 recreational opportunities and to further educate tourists and Utah citizens regarding
24 the role that sportsmen and private landowners play in conserving Utah's lands and
25 healthy wild populations.
26 Special Clauses:
27 None
29 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
30 WHEREAS, Utah is now recognized as one of the best places to hunt numerous big
31 game species in the western United States;
32 WHEREAS, hunting and wildlife are important elements of Utah's family tradition of
33 outdoor recreation and the state's outdoor recreation economy;
34 WHEREAS, other states are experiencing declining herds, declining interests in
35 hunting, and declining economic activity in their hunting economies;
36 WHEREAS, 20 years ago, Utah's herds and fisheries were declining, habitat conditions
37 were degrading, hunter participation was declining, budgets and future revenues were in
38 question, and conflicts between wildlife and private landowners were increasing;
39 WHEREAS, in a true pioneering spirit, Utah sportsmen, private landowners, and state
40 wildlife agencies created new and innovative partnerships and funding methods and focused
41 their efforts on growth of future conservation of herds, jobs, and revenues;
42 WHEREAS, the Utah Legislature and the state of Utah has partnered with landowners
43 and private sportsmen groups to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to restore habitats, fence
44 highways, expand herds through aggressive transplants, and fund millions in efforts to resolve
45 private land and wildlife conflicts; and
46 WHEREAS, the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo has attracted worldwide
47 attention to promote Utah's land and wildlife conservation, abundant herds, and hunting
48 economy:
49 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
50 Governor concurring therein, commends Utah citizens and state agencies for creating
51 innovative public and private partnerships that create and maintain lands, healthy habitats, and
52 abundant herds, while expanding hunting and outdoor economies.
53 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor recommend that
54 the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Utah Wildlife Board continue to make
55 long-term commitments to the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo, private nonprofit
56 wildlife conservation groups, private landowners, and those investing substantial resources to
57 ensure healthy habitats, abundant herds, and jobs in the hunting economy.
58 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor encourage
59 additional state efforts to promote Utah's world-class outdoor recreational opportunities and to
60 further educate tourists and Utah citizens regarding the role that sportsmen and private
61 landowners play in conserving Utah's lands and healthy wild populations of moose, bison,
62 mountain goat, bighorn sheep, antelope, elk, mule deer, cougar, black bear, wild turkey, and
63 other species.
64 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Western
65 Hunting and Conservation Expo, the Division of Wildlife Resources, and the Utah Wildlife
66 Board.
Nothing like a little "Gubment Welfare" to keep the SFW machine greased and funded so they can continue to mingle in the affairs of other states.

And to think DKP likes to make comments about "Socialism" in the context of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Evidently DKP subscribes to the theory promoted in Washington, DC - "It's only welfare when it benefits the average guy."

Funny, I see nothing in there about accountability or transparency of where the money goes. Probably not something they would want the public to know.
My cynical take on this is: It's fellatio from the legislature to DKP & Co.

Damage control for the hits both SFW & the Leg took for their wildly inappropriate conveyance of tax payer dollars to two of the biggest crooks the wildlife community has ever seen.

I say we get a bill introduced that specifically calls for drug testing the welfare queens of SFW & BGF.
Thanks for the notice. Fortunately many of our representatives and senators understand wildlife is a public resource. This particular state senator represents an area in northern Utah with numerous Cooperative Wildlife Management Units (CWMU) where landowners are given tags for sale if they allow a few public hunters access.

Reposted on Utah Wildlife Net http://utahwildlife.net/forum/12-bi...tate-representatives-senators.html#post715282
What a horrible bill. I certainly hope it goes no where. But it shows that privatizing the resource beyond any reasonable limit is still alive and well in DKP land. Greedy, clever people need to be watched at all times.
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