Utah Expo Permits


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
I see where this year since the expo has been cancelled that they are opening up the opportunity to apply for the 200 tags to everybody. Should be able to get some great odds of drawing this year.
Does the money go to SFW? I'm interested in rolling the dice, but it depends on where the money goes.
All I can say is that by opening it up they are probably going to make a shitload of money and I'd wager odds won't be very good. Check that, I know they odds won't be very good just based on last years odds. https://huntexpo.com/odds-2020/

Hell the best odds last year were 0.47% Archery Antelope and 0.37% for Turkey. Bull Elk starts at 0.19% and gets worse from there.
Yes, it goes to SFW and MDF as unrestricted funds.
All I can say is that by opening it up they are probably going to make a shitload of money and I'd wager odds won't be very good. Check that, I know they odds won't be very good just based on last years odds. https://huntexpo.com/odds-2020/

Hell the best odds last year were 0.47% Archery Antelope and 0.37% for Turkey. Bull Elk starts at 0.19% and gets worse from there.
Yes they are going to rake it in. All the proceeds with very minor cost. A good gig when you can get it.

Those odds you listed will probably be 10 times better than what they are going to be this year.
Looks like you must have a valid hunting or combination license when applying for the permits. This was not the case when applying at the Expo.
I see where this year since the expo has been cancelled that they are opening up the opportunity to apply for the 200 tags to everybody. Should be able to get some great odds of drawing this year.
The odds will be worse than ever. The biggest hurdle for nonresidents is showing up, which has been eliminated. For $5 I will put in for a couple hunts, but I think odds will be worse than the typical 1 in 1000-4000 or so.
No worry here. Cold day in hell before SFW sees their first dime from me. Corruption all the way up to the governor’s office. I have ethics and this bunch doesn’t even come close to meeting them. Always an easy decision to pass. Good luck.
Amen. Sending money to SFW is like buying gasoline at an Al Queda Station. I get it though and good luck to those that are of the attitude SFW is not your problem as you do not live in Utah. The dollar you spend may fund their donations to your elected officials. Arizona just about got bent over a few years ago when SFW drove south from SLC and tossed some money around. SFW is a slush fund set up by the Utah F&G to get around lobbying. SFW then morphed into being powerful enough to have RMEF's bid (a better bid without question other than was not by SFW) tossed aside by a loaded review panel. Unfortunately, no vaccine exists other than keeping your money out of their pockets.
Covid wasn’t the only virus made in a Wuhan China lab. They actually modeled the virus to suck an economy dry just like SFW and MDF has done to hunting. They were not successful hence a vaccine for Covid and not for $FW/MDF.
Amen. Sending money to SFW is like buying gasoline at an Al Queda Station. I get it though and good luck to those that are of the attitude SFW is not your problem as you do not live in Utah. The dollar you spend may fund their donations to your elected officials. Arizona just about got bent over a few years ago when SFW drove south from SLC and tossed some money around. SFW is a slush fund set up by the Utah F&G to get around lobbying. SFW then morphed into being powerful enough to have RMEF's bid (a better bid without question other than was not by SFW) tossed aside by a loaded review panel. Unfortunately, no vaccine exists other than keeping your money out of their pockets.
Not sure if you were aware, but I got the KTVK interview that brought down Jerry Weirs & AZ HB2072 back in 2012. Caught a lot of disrespect & threats from Utah outfitters back then, especially since I was from Illinois/Indiana. Still get trashed on MM due to that. Anyway, I may be getting an inside view of the statehouse next time SFW pushes some crooked legislation, because my sister-in-law just took the oath of office in the Utah House of Representatives. 😂 We are connected on FB and the next time SFW tries to push some slime through there, I'm going to give her a good history of the scandals they were involved in. Not that it would matter since they own the governor, but at least I'll have a voice there.
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Never ever give your money to SFW. MDF will get lumped with the company they keep in my mind. This represents the opposite of where our conservation dollars should go. Plenty of people will say "no big deal," but it is a big deal when hundreds of once public tags become a cash cow for a few questionable individuals. They will give lip service to real conservation in order to keep from having to give up the revenue stream, but it's just that, bargaining to keep the money coming.
Just say no to this, and donate your money elsewhere.
I agree that not having to show up in person at the Expo to validate your entries is going to greatly increase the applications, and make it all that much harder to draw something. Not that the odds were ever good anyway. It will just be worse now, like all the Utah hunting odds continue to become. It's a cruel joke.
Also notice the very few tags in that raffle that were set aside for Non Residents have been opened up to residents. Note ALL the tags in this raffle were taken out of the non resident allotment...
so if your a non-res are the tags valid if you are the lucky one??we are talking 200 tags that is more than utahs non -res amount on the utah regular app site isnt it??
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